Group 7
Portfolio Report
July 16th 2014 - July 18th 2014
Xiaoli Li
Muhammad Aizat Ahmad Fauzi
Jianing Wang
Gefeng Wen
Jiayi Chen
Portfolio Table
Macroeconomics and World Events
During the period from July 16th to July 18th, there was some major world events occurred that affected stock prices in United States. First, the U.S Federal Reserve Chairwoman, Ms. Janet Yellen testified in front of the Congress that some stocks valuations for biotechnology, social media and small stocks are “substantially stretched”. On Thursday, Israel announced that they would invade Gaza in order to fight against Hamas, the ruler of Gaza Strip who has been accused of firing rockets into Israel territory. This tension might lead to a war between these two countries. On the other hand, Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was crashed in the eastern Ukraine. Official stated that all passengers including the crewmembers in total of 295 people died in that crash. All these events caused a huge drop in U.S market indexes especially after the top hit in Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) on Wednesday, July 16th at 17,138.20 points. It fell down drastically on Thursday by 161.39 points and recovered again on Friday with the market closed for this week at 17100.18 points as the worries over those conflicts receded.
Delta Air Lines Inc.
Delta Air Lines fell along with other airline stocks on Thursday after a Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 295 passengers crashed in Ukraine. They released a statement saying they were avoiding parts of Ukrainian airspace. However the air crash had a huge impact on DAL. TheStreet Ratings team rates DELTA AIR LINES INC as a "buy". In addition, they informed that they have been channeling their effort to satisfy the needs of their clients, who have been suffering the effects of the reduction of flights between Caracas and Atlanta, measure announced one month in advance. Delta Air Lines Inc. shares fell 2.24% in last trading session and ended the day on $37.18. DAL gross margin is 34.50% and its return on assets is 21.90%. Delta Air Lines Inc. quarterly performance is 8.94%.
Mylan Inc.
On July 15th, drug maker Mylan announced that they will acquire Abbott (Abbott Laboratories) generics business in mature markets outside the United States, and incorporated a new company in the Netherlands in order to reduce taxes. The transaction consideration is $ 5.3 billion. Under the agreement,
Finance 2012/2013 AG924 Portfolio Theory Management Group Assignment[1] Submission Deadline: 4pm Thursday 21st March 2013[2] Lecturer: Professor Krishna Paudyal ( This assignment is to be completed in groups of 3 (form your own) – groupings should be e-mailed to Barbara no later than 5pm on Monday 25th of February Assume that you have been working as a team member of the Domestic portfolio management unit of Portfolio Management Department of…
will set up an investment account with Investopedia with an initial virtual fund of $100,000. To form the portfolio, each group will invest the allocated fund in shares of at least TWO listed multinational firms. The portfolio will be expanded with derivative products in later weeks of the semester. All portfolio-related transactions will automatically be recorded online. The final investment report can include ONLY transactions that have been recorded online by the system. The TOP THREE ranked groups…
foremost purpose of this report is to evaluate the performance of the managed portfolio over 9 weeks trading period from 11th of March to 11th of May 2012. This report is prepared to verify if the portfolio had any abnormal performance and also to identify whether it is over-performed or under-performed. The portfolio will be known as Portfolio A and throughout the report, Portfolio A’s performance will be assessed in terms of breadth and depth against the MSCI World Index’s portfolio performance. Breadth…
research information portfolio using their own research topic. Librarian graded the portfolio and Faculty, the research proposal. Information literacy workshop modules The information literacy workshop is divided into three modules : Module 1 - Introduction to information sources and basic searching (4 hours) This module is directed to introduction of library resources and basic bibliographic searches. At the end of this workshop each student has to produce a laboratory report which includes: concept…
Problem Set 1: Risk Parity Investing Professor Hanno Lustig MGMT232 a Fall 2014 Due on November 4 in the dropbox before class. You can work in groups of up to 5 students. Please submit the spreadsheet with your computations as well as a separate write-up. (Two files.) In data_ps_1.xls, the worksheet labeled raw returns lists the index returns for different Barclays bond indices and for the VW-CRSP stock market index; the spreadsheet labeled market_caps lists the total market…
CAPM and Factor Models Part I: CAPM (Mandatory for all groups) 1. Request a password for WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service) database. 2. In WRDS, find Compustat database. There you can find information on the book value of equity. Also, find information on the market value of equity and market capitalization. 3. Based on the above information, select two companies that you will work with throughout this project. The first company should be a large cap stock with high book to market (BM)…
Associate Level Material Appendix A Final Project Overview and Timeline Final Project Overview Business Writing Portfolio During this course, you will complete six writing pieces to be compiled and submitted as your Business Writing Portfolio. Each assignment, with the exception of the reflection, must be revised by incorporating your instructor’s feedback and your understanding of the writing process. You are encouraged to use the tools available in the Center for Writing Excellence; of particular…
Global Investment Management Portfolio Performance Analysis Table of Contents Introduction 1 Detailed Analysis 1 Australia 1 Brazil 1 Canada 2 China 2 France 3 Hong Kong 3 India 3 Ireland 4 Italy 4 Malaysia 4 Mexico 4 Singapore 5 South Korea 5 Switzerland 5 USA 5 Sweden 6 Taiwan 6 New Zealand 6 Overall Results 6 Conclusion 7 Reference Introduction Stock Trax is a leading platform for virtual trading…
Muscolino 1/23/2015 Assignment 1: Mutual Funds SPDR (in short term of the Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts) Trust fund, as a kind of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), is managed by State Street Global Advisors (SSgA). SPDRs seek to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the S&P 500 index (SPDR® S&P 500® ETF ). Their strategy is, by holding a portfolio of the common stocks that are included in the Index (the “Portfolio”), with the…
institutions also face regulations that create incentives to focus or diversify their portfolios. For example, capital requirements based on predetermined weights on different asset classes can distort portfolio decisions. Moreover, each source of financing that a bank can raise implies a different degree and type of market discipline. Equity-holders care about returns to their equity and might prefer a riskier portfolio than would debt-holders. Subordinated debt holders are considered effective monitors…