Population Policy in Aisa - China Vs. India Executive Summary Both China and India are very important countries not only in Asia, but the world. As the largest and second largest population country in the world, their population policy has great effects on many areas of the world. Such as agriculture, economy, education. Through my project, we can find out that both China and India spend a lot of efforts in control their population and achieved some goals. China reduced population growth in the country of 1.3 billion by as much as 300 million people over its first twenty years. Although India has a obvious results in control the population, it improves the health system and decreases the mortality rate of the country. But For example, in most rural areas if the first child of the family is a girl couples are allowed to have another child, or families who have children with mental or physical disabilities are sometimes allowed having another child. The one child policy achieved a great success in China; the rule has been estimated to have reduced population growth in the country of 1.3 billion by as much as 300 million people over its first twenty years. However the one child policy in 1980s was little bit overly, because many cities were trying to achieve the indicators, command or forced women to do sterilization. This created a lot of comfits between the residences and the government.
Forth period (1988 – current). After conclude the success and failures of population policy in 1980s, the government begun to implement stabilize and mature policy. The characteristics of Chinese population are changed from high birth rate, low mortality and high growth to low birth rate, low death rate and low growth. The population controlling also become more reasonable and floating. For example, 1987 the government made a goal of control population in 1.25 billion before 2000, and in the eighth Five-Year Plan Period, the goal became more variable, and changed to 13 billion before 2000.
Summary of China Population Policy: In consequences, the