Polixenia Anastasiou-Zidarova
Assignment Unit 205 1.1, 1.2
Find out the type and main characteristics of a school you know,e.g. the age range, whether is a local authority or a faith school, if it has special aspects, etc. Find similar information for other schools in the area,including schools with different age ranges.
Keyworth Primary school
This is primary community school and is owned and supervised by the Local Authority . Local Authority also supports the school by providing different services and making links to local community.
Pupils are at age between 3-11 years old, mixed gender, totally approx. 319 pupils.
School has daytime nursery within the school.
School is ruled by governing body .The pupils are of Black African origin. There are pupils which have English as second language. is is achieved with the help of the Head Teacher, Teachers and all support staff in school .Also some community programs as last term announced and participated by me “Phonics and coffee” was very successful and interesting in finding new ways and teach new parents how to help their own children with learning Phonics ( Nursery and Reception ) and according the National curriculum. .Also some regularly termly meetings with the parents can provide additional support on the transitions in one multi-cultural society. Teachers and TA(teaching assistants) are actively helping our children to pass smoothly the transition period ( changing our country ,home and changing all environment and friends generally). School is working in partnership with the parents and pupils understand well the healthy lifestyle, moral and social and cultural values ,needed for their future well-being.
According to the OFSTED report of the school (Keyworth Primary School ,Inspection report(OFSTED) 20-21 Nov.2011.), the proportion of pupils which are eligible of free school meal are over twice the national average.
Children in school are taking part in different activities , as Book fairs”, “”World Book day: and they could wear their costumes ,they make fundraising for a charity and thus to value and respect others people needs and to help each other. As relationship between teachers ,TA and pupils are warm and teacher’s subject knowledge is strong. ICT is using to make learning interesting. Also going outside to ZOO, theatres for learning and describing Physical Science as example make lessons more vibrant and colorful.
The proportion of pupils with special educational needs or disabilities( including speech disability, emotional ,social and etc.) are average for the country. I can give example again my own children as we came in the year 2 and actually started school from Y2 in England.
School is leaded by senior team lead and head teacher very well and has cooperation between parents and carers and community cohesion is good as is developed understanding for different faiths ,ethnicity and cultures.. We had projects also for fundraising for the countries in Africa and Ebola sickness and many others. They create a culture or understanding and being empathetic to the needs of the others .
John Ruskin Primary School and Language classes
Is a community school also governed by Governing Body and supervised by LA. Leaded by Head teacher. Also is mixed gender and age is between 3-11 y.o., approx.518 pupils ( John Ruskin Ofsted Inspection report (28 Jan.2009) http://www.johnruskin.southwark.sch.uk/Mainfolder/09-Ofsted-report.pdf) ;
School has also language classes and pupils with attainments above the average level. Its consisted from pupils from more than 70 countries and 25 different languages. This is a fact which helps school to create practice for diversion. Head Teacher, Governors rule the school well so to achieve positive contribution for the education and well-being of the children in the area. They promote as well and equality in all opportunities and involvement in many activities for all children .School has 2 nurseries with each one by