Dear Editor, I regularly read your newspaper, and generally I love most of the content in it as it is unique, appealing and usually of my interest. Recently I staggered across Jeremy Clarkson’s article about tigers. Consequent to reading the article I realised that I strongly disagree with the majority of his views and opinions, more so of the way upon which he writes them. Personally, I am fond of tigers in the wild, and sympathetic of the things they have to go through to survive in this harsh world. This gives me reasons to denounce this article. I can empathise and understand how difficult it can be to engage with the audience and find a topic to spark their interests. However it is clear that this article takes it too far, to the point where it is more offensive rather than informative – which is what a newspaper should be and I’m sure that many of your other faithful readers agree.
Although it may appeal to the younger audience the way that Jeremy Clarkson makes an inconsiderate beginning to his article just proves my point even more, by using the pun of the word ‘Stuff’ in his title ‘Stuff The Tigers’ it can be seen as offensive to the more educated and Is it worth growing your younger audience by offending the more educated? Most likely not, as it will discourage them from reading your other newspapers. The way that Jeremy Clarkson uses inappropriate sarcasm and trivializes a serious subject matter shows his perspective of how he thinks of all