Why did the U.S Invade Iraq in 2003? Arguement #1 to force his hand over his willingness to open about WMD programs Arguement #2 to put an end to his state sponsorship of terrorism // promote democracy http://www.popularsocialscience.com/2012/10/25/whydidtheunitedstatesinvadeiraqin20032/ http://www.eir.info/2011/08/01/whydidtheunitedstatesinvadeiraqin2003andwhatwentwrongwiththe
possible literature review just war theory http://www.bmartin.cc/classes/STS390_04topessays/Rene_Chambers.pdf
Many theories confirmed that US arguments were trying to secure Iraqi oil reserves which was the main cause for invasion. This war was main causes that oil and gas industry rose on
the world economy and the growing importance of oil in maintaining America’s hegemonic position in international relations. Find out more from UK Essays here: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/politics/thecausesandconsequencesoftheiraqwarpoliti csessay.php#ixzz3U32BbLxG
Weapons of massdestruction, or WMDs were one of the main arguments behind the invasion. It was argued by the US and the British governments that Iraq was in possession of weapons that were a serious threat to the security of western nations and the security of the nations in the region. They argued that intervention and regime change was necessary to forcibly disarm a nation that was not complying with the demands and requirements of the international community and which they argued was a global danger.
On this understanding then, one of the primary aims of the invasion of Iraq was to increase the security of the US and the rest of the world by removing a regime that posed a threat through contempt for the international community, a historical record of hostility to its neighbours, and the possession of weapons capable of massive destructive force.
(2) Powell, Colin ‘Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation’ February 6, 2003,
retrieved on 15.03.2010
http://www.eir.info/2010/06/10/the2003invasionofiraqunderthemicr oscope/#_ftn2 TO END SADDAM’S SUPPORT OF TERRORISM BY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY Another element of the US’ plan to protect itself was based on the belief that undemocratic and dictatorial regimes create conditions that enable the growth of terrorist groups, are prone to war, and create tension and conflict internationally.
Liberal democracy, they argued, is a much more peaceful form of government. The
Neoconservatives that had a large influence over the Bush Administration’s foreign policy argue that democracies rarely, if ever, fight one another or experience civil war or internal conflict.
This democratic peace exists because, according to liberals and neoconservatives, because the decision to go to war is made by a government that is directly accountable to the people, and it is the