Introduction This research is to find out the marketing strategies of Werm Snacks & Pastry CO. LTD and how well it determines the success of the marketing of snacks and pastry items. Also how the owner of the business go about putting customer’s satisfaction first. The project will give the importance of promotion mix, market research, ethical issues and other means that will impact on the success of the business.
Acknowledgement I would like to thank everyone who made the completion of this task possible. Firstly, I would like to thank God for creating me in his image and likeness, and for giving me the physical and mental strength to complete this SBA, also my teacher for helping me in every way possible. I will like to thank DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL USED BY W.S.P.L. PRODUCER
Promotion Mix Place-the area the firm is concerned with and how the product is distributed and what channel of distribution is used Price- this involves the firm arriving at the price of the product. Pricing involves the firm giving special offers such as discounts and credit terms
4p’s of marketing mix
Promotion- this involves telling the customers about the firm’s products. This is done by ; advertising, sale promotions, personal selling and public relations. Product- this refer to the type of goods or services produced e.g. quality, size, designs and packaging
Promotion mixes are used to promote products by a firm two of which are: Sale Promotion Buy 1 get 1 free is a good example of sales promotion. For example if a loaf of bread is priced at $1, and cost 10 cents to manufacture, if you sell two for $1, you are still in profit - especially if there is a corresponding increase in sales. This is known as a PREMIUM sales promotion tactic. Advertising WSPL promotes there goods also through radio, newspapers, the Jamaica yellow pages and also on the internet. Advertising is important because it is used to make customers aware of the goods/services selling.
Use of technology Types of technology used: Ovens Mixer
Pastry Mixers Bakeries must have mixers to prepare multiple batches of dough for baking.