Plea and Standard Argument Essay

Submitted By ccovington78
Words: 316
Pages: 2

Jaleesa Hardnett
Week 2
Chapter 4

I think it decrease the court system, because people that take the deal from plea bargaining they either get out of jail or get a less sentence when the courts are suppose to be protecting the innocent they are letting the criminals go right back out to the streets. I think so because people are taking these bargains and getting out of jail or not going at all so they think it’s a game because when they get out they keep doing what they do to get in trouble while the crime rates are going up.

1. What is plea bargain? a. It is an agreement between the prosecutor and the accused in which the accused pleads guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence or a reduced charge. About 95 percent of all felony convictions in the United States are the result of plea bargains. 2. What is the standard argument in favor of plea bargains? b. Pleading guilty instead of going to trial reduces uncertainty as to the outcome of a trial; in trying a case before a judge or before a jury of 12 people, the defendant cannot predict what ultimately will happen. 3. What is the down side of plea bargains? c. The downside for the defense is that the accused is giving up the right to have 12 people hear all the evidence and test the prosecution's evidence against the defendant. The downside for the community is that it doesn't get to have a process which attempts to get at the truth of what really happened