Plato's Myth of Er Essay examples

Words: 1012
Pages: 5

Fizza Raza
Intro to Political Theory
September 22, 2011 The purpose of the Myth of Er is to emphasize one of the points that Plato has been making throughout this whole book, that philosophy, or the quest for knowledge is essential in order to have a successful existence, either as a person or a group of people. One cannot work towards something until and unless he knows what that thing is and how to get there. It is only possible to study philosophy up to the point where one fully understands the Form of the Good, which is the ultimate form. Because of there being a limit to how much knowledge one can gain, it is not ridiculous to assume that one is able to reach that level of knowledge. Even though it’s almost impossible to perceive

By minding one’s own business there is less stress and worrying involved in this life, and heavenly rewards in the next. This includes not causing harm to others as a result of jealousy, anger, fear, or any other emotion. Minding one’s own business leads to the most just life because by doing so you are able to investigate the ultimate form of your soul, which will inevitably lead to gaining knowledge about other things and in doing what is right in general. It wouldn’t be sensible if the ultimate form of a soul was unjust or wrong, so because someone strives for this form they are able to be more just than the rest.
Although Plato demands that the perfect city do many ridiculous unrealistic things in order to make his point, his assertion about the philosopher being the leader of the city was very reasonable and would be beneficial to any situation. Just as this would apply to the city, giving power to the most knowledgeable and truthful of men, it would also apply to each individual in that it would be beneficial for the part of his existence that is the philosophizing part to rule above all the others. The Myth of Er is a noble lie because it fulfills the purpose of this kind of a lie which is to promote the well being of those who hear it, rather than causing them any harm. What is good or bad is not black and