Planning Collaborative Esl Lessons for Multiple Intelligences. Essay

Words: 2987
Pages: 12

Module 3 Assignment. PGCEi participant


Assignment title:

Planning collaborative ESL lessons for Multiple Intelligences. Module 3 Approaches to teaching

Module title:



Module 3 Assignment. PGCEi participant

Planning collaborative ESL lessons for Multiple Intelligences. A proposed lesson sequence
I am primarily a secondary maths teacher, however, I also teach two periods of ESL (English as a Secondary Language) each week to year 6 non-native English speaking students. In the next two classes I intend to cover intermediate vocabulary and writing skills. During the planning process I want to focus on producing collaborative lessons where the students will work as small teams. I also want to

Additionally, provision is made for differing learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). Strengths Positive aspects of my lesson sequence are that much thought has gone into the crucially important planning process. I have included extensive collaborative work (which research has shown can improve student performance and learning). I have also included activities to suit logic-mathematical, spatial, interpersonal and kinesthetic styles of intelligence for students who have differing learning styles. Improvements Despite putting a lot of effort into planning these two lessons, I believe there is still room for improvement in the planning of the collaborative activities. I do not think these tasks provide enough interdependence. Interdependence is where each member in a group is responsible to and dependent on all the others, and that one cannot succeed unless all in the group succeed. Knowing that peers are relying on you is a powerful motivator for group work. Strategies for promoting interdependence include specifying common rewards for the group, encouraging

Module 3 Assignment. PGCEi participant students to divide up the labor, and formulating tasks that compel students to reach a consensus (Johnson et al, 1991). I have not given too much thought to assessment. For the first lesson I am unsure as to whether I should grade the students individually or as a group. If I grade