Essay on Philosophy: Law and King

Submitted By jenpham3
Words: 589
Pages: 3

Throughout King’s “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” I realized that he was very passionate about what he wrote. King did a great job in persuading the pastors of Birmingham that unjust laws are meant to be broken. He provided the readers with striking imagery of how segregation and life for the blacks were like during that period in history. In the letter, King was arrested for protesting without a permit; as a result he was placed in jail. In the letter King mentioned that he does not advocate breaking the law, but he believes that a law that is unjust must be broken, “one who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly and willing to accept the penalty”(294). King was speaking primarily about segregation, particularly in Birmingham. He goes on talking about unjust laws and just laws and the difference between the two. According to King an unjust law degrades the human personality, taking away our rightful human qualities that differentiates us from inanimate objects or things. Just laws are laws that show respect and recognition for a person, entitling us to not be treated like an inanimate object. Laws that are unjust, according to King, should be broken in a very obvious and civil manner to prove to the world that it is morally wrong; and segregation is one of those laws he spoke of. King goes out of his way to point out various injustices that were happening in Birmingham such as Black churches being burned down, business owners not following through on their promises to remove segregation signs and also refusing to negotiate. He mentioned that something had to be done to in order to stop all of this and that was to stand up against the police forces with very little violence known as civil disobedience. King’s motive in this letter was to seek justice for his fellow black brothers and sisters. He addressed the clergymen of Birmingham to start the movement and help out the Negro community promoting love and peace for all mankind not just for one race. As a reader looking into King’s perspective on segregation, I never realized how bad things