Macroeconomic Forecast Pfizer, Inc. March 14, 2005 Abstract This paper is a Macroeconomic Forecast Outline of Pfizer, Inc. This outline will identify main economic indicators for Pfizer as a business entity and as a representative of pharmaceutical industry. This paper will identify sources of various data collected based on economical activity and relationships between different economical indicators. Main Economic Indicators The purpose of economic indicators is to provide for researchers and analysts the ability to interpreter economic data. Economic indicators are the main source of prediction of market behavior. They are also detailed explanations of how to analyze various changes over a business cycle. There are very many…show more content… Forecast Sources The following sources for data will be utilized in forecasting economic trends for the pharmaceutical industry: 1) U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis a) Gross Output by Industry 2) U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration a) Corporate Profits b) Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales 3) U.S. Congressional Budget Office a) Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2006 to 2015 b) Current Economic Projections 4) National Institute of Health 5) National Institute on Aging 6) Food and Drug Administration 7) Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and Aging 8) North American Free Trade Agreement 9) (UOP Library) 10) Business Insights (UOP Library) 11) a) 2004 Industry Profile 12) CountryWatch (UOP Library) 13) EIU Data Services (UOP Library) 14) EIU Viewswire (UOP Library) 15) State of the Nation (UOP Library) 16) Fortune magazine 17) Forbes magazine 18) Pharmaceutical Technology 19) Drug Store News magazine 20) U.S. Industrial Outlook magazine 21) Medical Economics web site 22) Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine 23) Wall Street Journal 24) Pfizer Web Site and corporate documents (or any corporate web site that includes financial information) Forecasts and Historical Data There are numerous sources that provide historical data regarding most, if not all, the economic indicators. Government agencies, Federal Reserve Banks, and other