Monro, Fiona, and Gail Huon. “Media Portrayed Idealized Images, Body Shame, and
Appearance Anxiety.” International Journal of Eating Disorders 38.1 (2005): 8590.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Idealized images detrimentally affect the body image of young women [and men]
Media portrayed images, especially those presented in the context of advertisements for dieting and weightaltering products, promote the idea that body shape and size are flexible, and that achieving the thin ideal is relatively easy (Brownwell 1991)
Some researchers have found strong positive correlations between frequency with which adolescent girls read magazine dieting articles and their desire to change their body weight and shape. While others have shown that television viewing is associated with body dissatisfaction. a. However, overall television viewing was not related to body dissatisfaction, perceived weight, or drive for thinness
b. It is unlikely that all young women are affected by idealized images to the same degree. Women who are more likely to be vulnerable are those whose attention is focused on appearance.
The media images appear realistic, despite heavy editing and refining with computer software. So, the mass media are generally agreed to be an influential source of images and messages about the idealized body that women and girls are expected to strive for.
Thin idealized bodies are used to persuade women to buy products that help to improve the appearance of their body. In others, it is indirect. Idealized body images are also used to buy nonbodyrelated products.
Idealized images are an influential source of pressure to meet the thin ideal. However, such images are not equally detrimental to all young women. Self objectification increases the risk of being negatively affected by idealized images. Oxford English Dictionary: self image an image or conception of oneself; esp. considered in relation to others Kim, JungHwan, and Sharron J. Lennon. “Mass Media and Self Esteem Body Image, and Eating Disorder Tendencies” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 25.1 (2007):
323. Google. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Viewing thin and beautiful models in advertisements creates selfdoubt and dissatisfaction among many young women concerning their bodies and faces and can undermine their selfconfidence. As a result, they may indulge in unhealthy eating practices that are associated with eating disorders or turn to invasive procedures such as plastic surgery
(Freedman, 1984).
Researchers have found strong relationships between body dissatisfaction and (a) depression (b) mood (c) eating disorders
These perceptions [of ourselves] are reinforced via evaluations by and comparisons to others, such as family members, peers, classmates, and media images. Such comparisons are often unconscious.
Almost 25% of adolescent girls have clinical levels of body dissatisfaction, mainly caused by social pressure emanating from family, friends, and media.
College women who were exposed to attractive images from magazines became less confident, more depressed, more ashamed, and more dissatisfied with their bodies than those who were not exposed to the images.
People who have eating disorders tend to perceive themselves as unrealistically big or fat and rely on their own perceptions and feelings no matter what feedback they receive about their bodies from others. HAAS, CHERYL J., et al. "An Intervention For The Negative Influence Of Media On Body
College Student Journal 46.2 (2012): 405418.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text
Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
They found that as little as one exposure to images of average sized women had a counteractive effect on highrisk women’s expectancies that thinnes leads to overgenreralized selfimprovement
When attractiveness norm cues are rather subtle, women engage in unconscious processing and may be more susceptible to