Every year more than 800,000 people are put into the Human Trafficking Trade, and 300,000 of those people die. So many of them are either sold by their family, or kidnapped and used for sex, labor, slavery, and more. In these places they are abused, tortured, and neglected. A safe place for them is just a dream, a dream in which they have lost all hope in. These stories that are going to be told are important for you to know because knowing the outcome and the horrific suffering these people have to go through makes it hard to turn away and act as if you have never heard about it. People think that human trafficking is rare in America, but between 14,500 and 17,500 people are either sold or kidnapped into the Human Trafficking Trade. One woman But how were they supposed to know the man they trusted with their life was going to sell them like a sack of potatoes to have sex with another man for money. How were they going to know that they were going to be put into the Human Trafficking Trade by their parents, guardians, and extended family? They blame themselves for the situation they were put in. They call out for help but are never or rarely I would also send bikes, money, food, and all the items that these people need to survive and stay out of the Human Trafficking Trade. It has been brought to my attention that a man, I’m proud to call my president, named Donald Trump already did half of this. He made January the “Human Trafficking Awareness Month”, he also signed,the S. 1536, “Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicle Act”. This Act means that the Human Trafficking Prevention Department and other Federal agencies have to have a designated official to coordinate the attack on the Human Trafficking Trade.This is better than what I came up with. Now we can start taking down America’s trafficking trade, then we can start globally taking down other Trafficking