People 18 years and older are considered adults and should be treated as such by being allowed to legally purchase and consume alcohol. The United States is one of the few countries that maintains a relatively high minimum legal drinking age of 21. Young adults the age of 18 can join and be deployed by the army buy cannot come home from war and purchase themselves an alcoholic beverage. At the age of 18, a U.S. citizen can vote in an election, defend and possibly die for their country and make all kinds of decisions regarding their life and body. If I want to vote democrat, I can. If I want ink up my body, I can. If I want to fill my lungs with smoke, I can do that too. Going wine tasting with some friends, however, is somehow too far. There is no reason 18-year-old adults should be denied the right to partake in alcohol. At the age of 18, I believe young adults are old enough to make their own decisions regarding alcohol. Even though the minimum legal drinking age is 21, many under 21 still consume alcohol illegally. Underage drinking is unsurprisingly common among college students. If anything, the high drinking age only drives young people to drink more alcohol and break more laws. Although lowering the age to drink won't stop the reckless drinking but might actually increase the binge drinking in young adults. But it will also help 18 year olds to regulate their drinking habits and learn at a young age to slow down.
those punishments relevant. iii. Governors Highway Safety Association 1. “34 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have primary seatbelt laws for front seat occupants.” 2. 15 states have secondary laws 3. 28 states, DC, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, have laws requiring belt use for all rear seat passengers. In 17 of these states, DC, Guam and Northern Mariana Island this is primary. 4. New York: If you are…
Embrace The Benefits of Computers In The Classroom Computer technology has rapidly expanded throughout the world, and plays a growingly crucial role in education. Although some educators argue that its importance is overrated and it somehow distracts students’ attention, the benefits of using computer overweigh those few concerns, which are gradually proved. Computers used in the classroom give students more fun in learning, make teaching more effective and help students prepare for their future…
WRITING A LANGUAGE ANALYSIS ESSAY STEP 1: READ THE TEXT Ask yourself: What is the text about? What is the broader context? What is the main contention? How does the writer feel about the issue? That is, what is the tone of the piece? STEP 2: RE-READ, HIGHLIGHTING PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES Note: What is the style of the piece? Annotate: Highlight any persuasive techniques used. Note in the margin what each of these techniques is trying to make the audience think, feel or do. STEP 3: ORGANISE…
‘I have a Dream’ – Critical Response Essay ------------------------------------------------- How does ‘I have a Dream’ By Martin Luther King conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a persuasive speech, and for what purpose? ------------------------------------------------- I have chosen the question “How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular genre, and for what purpose?” I have decided to analyse Martin Luther King’s classic Civil Rights Movement…
Joel Spencer 3779350 Knowing and Knowledge Assessment 1 Comparative Analysis This essay will be comparing and analysing the techniques used by two Melbourne based university lectures, Robert Manne and Patrick Stokes. Both dealing with the thematic subject of opinion. Concerning Climate Change “Clear, Catastrophic threats, Manne opens the article with an anecdote, that a “part of the english syllabus [as a schoolboy] was “clear thinking”” (Manne 2011). This anecdote should set up a rele…
Persuasive Essay Page 1 Abdulaziz Alhusayni"" Mrs. Whitman" Writing Class" February 4, 2015" " BAN GUNS!! ‘IN THE YEAR 2013, HANDGUNS KILLED " 48 PEOPLE IN JAPAN " 8 IN GREAT BRITAN " 34 IN SWITZERLAND " 52 IN CANADA " 58 IN ISRAEL " 21 IN SWEDEN " 42 IN WEST GERMANY " 10,728 IN THE UNITED STATES’" In the controversial discussion of whether or not guns should be banned, some anti gun-control activists would say that guns are necessary to protect him/herself, others would say that guns play a…
understand the difference between an expository essay, a process essay, a humor piece, and a persuasive essay. Also, review first person, second person, third person limited and third person omniscient point of view. Questions 31-40 = Comprehension You will read two articles and answer questions about them specifically. Questions 41 and 42 = The Three Appeals Be sure you understand the function of logical appeal, emotional appeal, and ethical appeal in persuasive writing. For the terms at the bottom…
to create a persuasive and convincing argument. By using these persuasive rhetoric appeals, Carpenter et al. manage to presents themselves and other non-Negro citizens in a favorable light by suggesting that they have "expressed understanding" (Carpenter et al. 1) and been "responsible citizens" (2). Negro citizens, however, are presented as opposition determined to undermine the "principles of law and order and common sense" (2) through the use of public demonstrations. This essay will explore…
format so that you don't have to go back and look them up again later. Never ignore facts and claims that seem to disprove your original idea or claim. A good essay writer either includes the contrary evidence and shows why such evidence is not valid or alters his or her point of view in light of the evidence. 2 Analyze some well-written essays. In your research, you'll probably come across some really well-written (and not so well-written) arguments about your topic. Do some analysis to see what makes…