Yunhao Cai
Laura Wehmer-Callahan
EPB 5010031
12 Sep 2012
Body Talk
People always show his or her ideas or thinking by action of body. According to people’s action of body we can get know deeply about their ideas or thinking, even by the action of eyes. It is said, “Actions speak louder than words” (Mayer 23). During business activities, comprehending the action or moving of people is practical and cheap benefit for lots of operation (Niederhofer, cited in Mayer 23).
Eyes become a part of body we always focus on regularly is agreed by all most people. “We … use our vision and gaze to connect to the world” [confess] Studd (qtd. in Meyer 23). In other hand, some inconspicuous action of eyes express different meanning.Ashley said, too much twink means concern and focus on something and to charge it is slow down will express fraud (cited in Meyer 23). We can distinguish “when person is excited, aroused, and happy or engaged…” (Hogan, cited in Meyer 23) by the transformation of their “pupil dilation” (Hogan, cited in Meyer 23). To understand those will help us catch the really feeling of other person and make a good communication.
“Facial expression” (Meyer 23) is a main part of body language; it can express persons’ entire mood. Any action from the face is easy to let other understand persons’ mood, because [persons’] face are “more active and mobile appears to be more open” (Studd, qtd. in Meyer 23). Movement of the limbs also can express what person wants to show. Hogan said, “lowering the body, averting the eyes, and moving away are nonverbal cues that signal submissiveness” (cited in Meyer 23). Some action of limbs will be omitted, and if will focus on those inconspicuous action will help us make realistic transform, Hogan indicates, if someone close to you and use his or her feet direct to you, it means he or she great with you; or if he or she use feet direct away to you and keep whole body to you, it means you bother him or her (cited in Meyer 23).
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