Personal Statement Example Essay

Submitted By MihaiDaniel1010
Words: 685
Pages: 3

Choosing computer science is not a decision that I made on the moment, it is a decision that I made since my interest in technology grew along with me. This interest started to develop with my first computer which made me curious about how those devices work and it led me further into every subject that belongs to computer science. With every second that passes, technology has something new to say and I want to keep in touch with it.
Ever since I started high school, my knowledge in computers began to expand in many areas of the subject. For me, Photoshop and ZBrush were the only softwares that I used until I got in high school. After few days my teacher noticed my activity and decided to focus on my development. The subject that I studied in first three years was C++ programming followed by databases which I study now, in the last year. Besides school subjects I took a course of HTML and website building and I learned on my own to use different types of tools like Java , Sony Vegas, Dreamweaver , Adobe After Effects and other modeling softwares. My interest in this sphere did not step back even when it looked a bit hard. Sometimes things were pretty difficult but I managed to finish my work every time even if I work on my own.
During those years my teacher signed me for different types of contests, including Team Quest or Info Matrix. My prize streak starts with receiving first place at “Winner by Art” county contest which was about designing a whole website about our town history and present it at the local county seat. The second prize I got was third place at “The Green Umbrella” national contest that implied environmental issues caused by different factors. Among many others I participated every year at the local contest entitled “Digital Black Sea” and the first place was mine three consecutive years. My involvement in Team Quest helped me develop social and teamwork abilities because I had to work with students from different countries online and we had to centre our ideas into a final form.
Every minute of my free time is spent by searching and trying new things. Even though I work alone , getting some starter softwares and doing little games or even application by following tutorials is helping me a lot because after few tutorials I start to work with my own ideas.
As for my working and volunteer activity , I worked in the summer at “Cocor Spa Hotel Neptun”, a hotel witch is hosting every year nearly five hundred people from every side of Europe, but mostly from Netherlands, Germany and France. Working there made me