The client is a 21 year old male student, who has been referred himself to our services as he is seeking to acknowledge if the application of psychology within his sporting activities can enhance his performance; This is his first experience with a psychologist so he remains sceptical about everything, he expects this programme to “somehow influence his physical performance”. The highest level Kola has participated in was at a semi-professional level which was for a period of two years. He now occasionally partakes in footballing activities at an …………. level; He aspires to remains at a low level of football. His favourite thing within his sport is the physiological gains associated with the sport and the thing he dislikes the most is sustaining any injuries. Kola’s attitude and expectation from this programme remains cynical which potentially foreshadows the speed and level of ultimate success possible from this programme (Sharp 1992, p.114).
Kola firstly demostrates within his list of percieved attrubtues within football his attitudes towards the sports which has affective, behavioural and cognitive implications(,p. 25).
As “constructs” guides how information is interpreted ( Hemmings and Holder 2009) The results demostrates that Kola’s primiary focus is related to his gross motor abilities; this shows knowledge in the sense that physical attributes are vital to performance and how others preceive his perforance. There is minor emphasis on the psychomoter abilities in football
The lack of psychological elements showns within kolas results, shows a possible weakness within his perforance. Kola’s favourite thing within sports is potentially indered by his greatest dislike as injury within sport is…………………. And externally controlled factors such as injuries weakens an athletes intrinsic motivation ( Reilly et al 2013)
Football review Fitness within football is optimized to cope witlesh match demands while accommodating specfic requirements within different positions (Reilly and Williams 2003).
The perrformance profiling help with monitoring again over time.
Figure 3 reflects the athetes general anxiety levels within football.
Football can a have fluctuating affect on the emotional state of athletes; one form which manifests itself in football is anxiety. Anxeity is a negative emotional state associate with arousal. It is caused from, perceived threats, thoughts of performance outcomes, state response and performance (Marten et al 1990). Cognative anxiety increases, concentration (alertness, information processing and attention) levels darmatically decreases. Within football, low levels of arousal results in players attending to few cues, relevent or irrelevent, whilst at moderate levels, attention levels are optimal and leads to attending to only task-relevant information. However at high levels of arousal, attention levels narrows unit even task relevent cue are missed(Cockerill and Steinberg 1997).Within this stage, reinvesting attention to tasks can cause more anxiety subquently resulting in a higher level of self-focus (Otten 2009, p.583) which may lead to coking(DeCaro et al 2011).
(Adpoted from Karageorghis and Cerry 2010)
As the athletes “consturct” is largely related to his gross motor skills, the intervention direct his attention on one goal, which inturn mobilzies his effects as well