Lynise T. Harris
Professor Mink
May 2, 2014
Biology 203
Gastric Measures . Helicobacter pylori is a spiral shaped gram-negative bacillus that can colonize in the stomach and duodenum. By taking up residence in the space between epithelia cells and the mucus barrier that protects these cells this bacterium manages to escape destruction by acid and pepsin. There by allowing the organism to survive and reproduce. Once established, H. pylori can remain in the GI tract for decades. Most infected people don’t even know they have it because some never develop symptoms. This bacterium is thought to be present within up to 50% of the human population and has been linked to the development of a number of different medical conditions (Chalmers et al. 2004).. There are many aspects that belong to this organism and continuous researches are hoping to clarify many mysteries of the disease. The purpose of this paper is to inform that H pylori is one of the leading causes of gastric complications and gastric carcinomas , and therefore antibiotic regimes and good sanitization procedures are needed to prevent any further loss of human life due to gastric complications.
Since its discovery back in 1982 by , Dr. Barry Marshall and J. Robin Warren it has been studied rather extensively and discovered that H pylori was present in the stomachs of patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers; they later went on to prove that these bacteria were the underlying cause of the majority of peptic ulcers. Traditionally, it has been thought that lifestyle factors, such as alcohol abuse, physical and emotional stress, unhealthy eating habits and smoking, cause peptic ulcers and gastritis. After further study it was concluded that 60%-75% of patients with PUD have H. pylori infection(Lehne 986). Also the eradication of the bacterium promotes ulcer healing. The cause of peptic ulcers is by damaging the mucous coating that protects the stomach and duodenum. Damage to the mucous coating allows powerful stomach acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Together, the stomach acid and H. pylori irritate the lining of the stomach or duodenum and cause an ulcer. Though H. pylori effects are often unnoticed in many people, the most common symptoms of the bacteria are related to the digestive system and the effects of the bacteria on the lining of the stomach. The most common of these symptoms are Upper abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, bleeding, either shown in stool or in vomit. The abdominal pain associated with H. pylori effects is often felt as a burning sensation below the ribs and may be thought to be connected to bloating and burping after eating a meal. This is the reason that so few people are treated for the bacteria infection – they believe it to be a common case of indigestion or heartburn. I believe if people were more aware of H. pylori infection and the health risk of going untreated many people lives could be spared.
The more you know about this infection the better to improve preventing transmission of the infection. Unfortunately, the transmission of this particular infection is not fully understood even though it is found mainly in the stomach of about half of the world’s population. Researchers are not certain how H. pylori is transmitted, although they think it may be spread through contaminated food or water. People may pick up the bacterium from food that has not been washed well or cooked properly or from drinking water that has come from an unclean source.
Other research is exploring how infection spreads from an infected person to an uninfected person. Studies suggest that having contact with the stool or vomit of an infected person can spread H. pylori infection. Oddly, the concern of contracting the disease depends on race and age. According to the College of Public Health in Arizona, H. Pylori prevalence is higher in Hispanics, African Americans, and the elderly. H. pylori is present in 60% of