Penny Byrne and Fiona Hall convey meanings and messages that relate to issues that we face today through their artworks. The Four Horsemen of the 21st Apocalypse by Penny Byrne and Medicine Bundle for the non-born child by Fiona Hall show a relationship between artist, artworks and audiences and challenge the way we look at and perceive our modern world.
An artwork that delivers a very strong message about issues that we face today and that we will continue to face in the future is (The four horsemen of the 21st apocalypse) by Penny Byrne. The artwork goes over the issues of overpopulation, food shortage, water problems and mining/drilling for oil. The artwork consists of four dolls riding a horse in which one of the four represent one of the above stated issues. Byrne uses the myth of the four horsemen of the apocalypse being death, Pestilence, War and Famine, and appropriates it to the issues that we face today. Byrne uses this form to convey her opinion on what she thinks are the issues that matter most in modern day society. Through her artwork Byrne challenges the viewpoints of current world issues and challenges her audience to alter their perception of the world. (The four horsemen of the 21st apocalypse) challenges the view points of modern day opinion and altars the perception of world issues.
Fiona Hall also explores these issues and meanings in her artwork (medicine bundle for the non-born child) The artwork is a series of baby items that have been altered and are made out of aluminum cans of Coca-Cola. The way Hall associates a very delicate and soft baby with a