The Jazz Band Of The Django Reinhardt Style

Submitted By sad3354
Words: 391
Pages: 2

This popular acoustic jazz band in the Django Reinhardt style grew out of a duo playing relationship between two widely different but somehow similar guitarists. Neil Anderson had begun his professional music career as a member of the garage band the Wailers, often pointed out as an early version of what would later be thought of as a punk band. Dudley Hill didn't really like rock as a teenager, being an oddball type who was more drawn to old-time music and wound up playing with legendary Texas fiddler Benny Thomasson in the '70s. By the time the two guitarists got together in the late '80s, both were on musical journeys that would lead to the formation of an acoustic swing band, to be known as Pearl Django. At first, the two guitarists stuck to a duo act centering around blues and jazz, but with the addition of bassist David Firman, an ensemble was born. In 1995, Vancouver luthier and guitarist Michael Dunn set up a gig for the new band a few hours North in Vancouver, Canada. One of Dunn's students named Shelley Park showed up to check out the gig. At that point, she was a member of a group whose name suggests a fusion of gypsy jazz and Sun Ra, Michael's Hot Club of Mars. Park jumped off the spaceship and joined Pearl Django, the move leading to one of those sweet combinations of players that makes certain combos really sounds good to the ears. The group recorded its first album, Le Jazz Hot, in the same year, and a follow-up the next year, in which violinist Michael Gray