Partially Occluded Incongruent Conditions
Many occlusions surround our daily lives blocking the way we interpret information and distracting our attentions. In the scientific world some occlusions are purposely created in order to test theories and hypothesis made about certain conditions. In 1915
Brown predicted that ink-color naming would benefit from extended practice more than would color word reading because color naming was initially the less practiced skill MacLeod (p. 163, 1991).
In the experiment Brown conducted the congruent was words or partial words printed on colored back ground. Despite his theory the condition was detrimental to color naming and it was this effect that caused Brown to argue that the two processes –reading words and naming colors – did not overlap MacLeod (p. 163, 1991).
Stroop (1935) didn’t present individual items or congruent conditions; instead he presented his subject with a list of variables, using color words in black ink. The first researchers to use colorword congruent trails were Dalrymple-Alford and Budayr in 966, MacLeod (1991). Their use of congruent trails showed little difference in overall response time. As we discovered in our first experiment the congruent conditions were faster to read and interpret because there was no interference.
There have been many variations of the Stoop
Effect over the years, MacLeod (1991). Stroop
(1935) ran three different experiments, the first evaluated the results of unmatched ink words on reading words aloud, the second experiment evaluated naming the colors aloud, and the third and more complicated experiment had subjests naming ink colors of unmatched words for more than a week, MacLeod