Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.511802
R Square 0.261941
Adjusted R Square 0.248015
Standard Error 1.343038
Observations 55
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 33.92851 33.92851 18.80998 6.5E-05
Residual 53 95.59876 1.80375
Total 54 129.5273 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 3.477931 0.285711 12.17289 5.62E-17 2.904867 4.050995 2.904867 4.050995 years of nursing experience 0.075305 0.017363 4.337048 6.5E-05 0.040479 0.110132 0.040479 0.110132
2. The findings show that the mean for RNs’ knowledge of interpersonal and developmental theory is 23.1 while RPNs’ is 16.1. There is a difference between the two groups and RNs have a higher average score. The variance for RNs’ knowledge of interpersonal and developmental theory is 41.9 while RPNs’ is 42.1, thus being homogenous which is one of the factors for parametric test. The RN sample included 24 subjects while the RPN sample included 31 subjects. This is important to note as even though the RN group had a lesser sample group it showed to have higher scores of knowledge of interpersonal and developmental theory.
Possible sources of error can include type 1 errors in which the null hypothesis was true but it was rejected. Type 1 errors can be reduced by increasing the level of significance. Type 2 errors can result when the sample size is too small and the researcher accepts the null hypothesis when reality it is false. Bias