Papers: Adrenergic Receptor and Banded Knee Drives
Submitted By shercky
Words: 782
Pages: 4
Dynamic Warm Up (5 minutes of movement
Full Body Strength and Conditioning Training (40-50 minutes) (FAST PACED)
(1a and 1b should be done consecutively with a 30-45 second break after 1b)
Warm Up with Banded Knee Drives, A Skips, Abduction and Adduction (These can be done throughout)
1a) BW Squats (For depth and ROM, Progression first against wall, then on air) 3 x 45 Seconds
1b) Box Jumps (Explosive sets, minimize contact time on ground, go for height, USE SQUARE BOXES) 3 x 7 jumps
2a) BW Push Up (PU) To DB Open Plank Combo (PU, One side open ,PU ,One side open = 1 Rep) 3 x 10
2b) Wide Grip Pull-ups (As many as possible, until failure, full Range of Motion (ROM) 3 x AMAP
3a) DB Moving Lunges (not stationary) 3 x 15 each leg
3b) Resistant Band Hamstring Curls
4a) DB Incline Press 3 x 12
4b) Inverted Row 3 x AMAP
5a) Med Ball Twist Toss (Quick, with power, each way) 4 x 10
5b) Straight Leg Full Sit Up w/ Med Ball Overhead 4 x 25
Dynamic Warm Up (5 minutes of movement)
Full Body Strength and Conditioning Training
(Paired letters and #’s should be done consecutively with a 30-45 second break after part B)
Warm Up with Banded Knee Drives, A Skips, Abduction and Adduction (These can be done throughout)
1a) DB Moving Backwards Lunge (Not Stationary) 3 x 15ea. leg
1b) Lunge Jumps (Explosive, Going for depth on lunge, height on jump) 3 x 12 jumps
2a) SA DB Bench Press 3 x 10ea. arm
2b) Chin-ups (As many as possible, until failure, full Range of Motion (ROM) 3 x AMAP
3a) SL DB Split Squat 3 x 12ea. leg
3b) SA SL DB RDL 3 x 12ea. leg
4a) DB Curl to Press 3 x 15
4b) Tricep Dips 3 x AMAP
5a) Vertical Leg Lifts on Ben 4 x 25
5b) Plank Lateral Walks (While holding a plank position at the top of a push up position, simultaneously step one direction with hand and foot) 4 x 30 Total (15 each direction)
Dynamic Warm Up (5 minutes of movement)
Full Body Strength and Conditioning Training
(Paired letters and #’s should be done consecutively with a 30-45 second break after part B)
Warm Up with Banded Knee Drives, A Skips, Abduction and Adduction (These can be done throughout)
1a) Moving Lunges w/ Med Ball Twist (Twist toward lunge leg) 3 x 15ea. leg
1b) Box Jumps (Explosive, Going for depth on lunge, height on jump) 3 x 12 jumps
2a) Pull-ups (As many as possible, until failure, full Range of Motion (ROM) 3 x AMAP
2b) BW Push Up to DB Row Combo (PU, 1 Side DB Row, PU, Other Side Row = 1 Rep) 3 x 10
3a) DB Sumo Squat to High Pull 3 x 12
3b) Resistance Band Tricep Pull Down 3 x AMAP
4a) DB Lateral and Forward Raises 3 x 10ea. direction
4b) Front