The Panama Canal Assuredly the Panama Canal, If you didn’t know already, was one of the most economic and socialized marvels of its time. It was, at first, attempted by the French in the late 1800s, but they were unable to carry out the canal because of financial problems. Not only that, but yellow fever and malaria flooded the campgrounds with the aid of mosquitoes, which made the workforce unbalanced (Avery). Then in 1904, the Americans were to take over under the leadership and guidance of President Theodore Roosevelt. Even then Americans had a difficult time with construction. Moreover, with the canal built, it’s more sufficient then sailing around the tip of South America. Even today, the canal is used several times a day to bring This created a breeding ground for mosquitoes (Avery). Later on, when the Americans took over they prevented this by oiling cesspools and canisters, fumigating Panama City, and ridding stagnant waters (American Canal Construction). Financial Problems Eight years after the French started the canal; they experienced financial problems with getting the canal finished. Ferdinand De Lesseps proceeded to travel back to France to attempt to find loans (Jones). He soon found out that France could not afford the vast amount he was asking for, which was around three million francs. The country could only pay eight percent of that amount (Jones). Engineers gathered together to calculate and survey the canal to discuss the completion of it and decided that it could not be done (Avery). Finally, in 1889, the French abandoned the Canal project pay back loans (Avery). In the final analysis, they were only able to finish two fifths of the canal (Avery). Most of the money that they used went to camp rent and maintenance, supplies, property and medical necessities, but non advised buying and those who stole money for possession greatly affected the outcome(Avery). One anonymous member of the French once quoted that “one part expended on the canal work, one third wasted, and one third stolen”. They left the canal up to America to finish the job