The popular television show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigations has been on the air for 12 years, and it has brought forth the behind-the-scenes actions of criminal investigations, even if its portrayals are not always scientifically accurate. This has caused an interest in the forensic sciences that has led most people to a skewed view of how a criminal investigation actually works. The reality of a criminal investigation is that it is generally more tedious and difficult than the theory of criminal investigation would have you believe. By examining the forensic and investigative procedures of the case of Pamela Foddrill, it is apparent that the theory of criminal investigation was not representative of the procedures concerning examination…show more content… When they began the case, there was no evidence that Pam was dead, so they had to follow steps similar to these: obtain a history of the missing person’s relationships, take a closer look at relevant persons that might have a hand in the crime, and obtain search warrants. Investigators also followed the exact same policy detailed in criminal theory regarding search warrants. The search warrants executed on Kenneth Philpott followed the exact procedures and included an affidavit with probable cause, the items to be seized, and the place they will search. Also included is the search warrant return, which contains an organized list of the property actually seized when the warrant was executed. In Lyman’s “Investigator’s Courtroom Checklist,” two of the aspects are very pertinent in this case- “prior statements and testimony of witnesses” and “reliability of witnesses” (Lyman 625). In the trial of Roger Long, character witnesses and actual witnesses essentially comprised the entire case. Because they didn’t have any matching direct forensic evidence like blood or hairs to prove, the case rested on other persons to testify to Long’s part in the crime. Ideally, the basis of the case would be in forensic evidence, but finding usable forensic evidence is harder than most people expect. One of the key witnesses that assisted in convictions was Plynia Fowler. When