RAW: _______ /63 pts 1. Explain the operation of an encoder. (1 point) ________A device that converts a weighted numeric input line to an equivalent digital code, such as hex or octal.____________________________ 2. What does it mean when an encoder is a priority encoder? (1 point) _________The method used to handle multiple key closures. This means that logic establishes a rank order for the keys so that a key closure of lower priority will not change encoding of a higher priority key._______________________ 3. Describe one practical application that uses encoder. (1 point) ________A television remote with four buttons.____________________________________________________________________________…show more content… Download and unzip the Quartus programming file entitled “decoder” to the folder c:\ect114\week4 on your computer. The file is located in the “Doc Sharing (Week 4 Lab Files)” directory in eCollege. Note: You will not be able to recompile this project as you are only given the programming (.sof) file. The pins are pre-assigned according to the following tables.
15. Program the faulty 74138 decoder into the FPGA on your eSOC board. As you control the decoder inputs with switches, complete the following function table. If the LED is on, that corresponds to logic high. Off corresponds to a logic low. (10 points) INPUTS OUTPUTS G1 G2AN G2BN C B A Y0N Y1N Y2N Y3N Y4N Y5N Y6N Y7N X X H X X X H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L X H X X X X H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L L X X X X X H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H / L H L L L L L H