Othello: Volcano and Mexican Volcanic Belt Essay examples
Submitted By jiseel
Words: 508
Pages: 3
El Chichon is a deadly volcano that killed over 1,900 people in the Mexican State of Chiapas on March 28, 1982. This volcano took a big toll on not only the village and the people surrounding it, but also took an amazing effect on the world’s climate for the following years. This volcano had almost the same effect as Mount St. Helens covering the stratosphere with at least ten times the ash and gases.
This volcano is called el Chichon which means a lump or a breast because from the ground it never looked like much. It is 1,260 meters high and is a dormant volcano which means it hasn’t erupted for over 100,000 years but is expected to erupt again. It can also mean as the Spanish word “dormido” which means asleep .Its last eruption was 1360 A.D. since then it had no record of its eruption until 1982 and they think to believe no villagers had lived there before. It was first “discovered” in 1928 by a German scientist named Fredrick Müllerreid; they had never put that much attention to the volcano. It was located so far away from any villages that they thought it would do no harm if it did erupt. This volcano is very interesting due to the fact that it sits between two volcanic arcs, “The Mexican Volcanic belt” and the “Guatemala Belt” and also a region with a few active volcanoes.
When this volcano erupted many people lost their homes and their lives, some people fled after the first eruption the day of the eruption. Many who stayed or returned were killed in more violent upheavals a week later. Villagers had complaints of rumbling in the ground, the water in nearby rivers were warming and emitting sulfurous smells, but experts didn’t take any notice towards it. Eventually before scientist could arrive at 11:32 p.m. on March 28 one day before the volcano ejected ash, rocks, and gases.
After the volcano had erupted the map of the entire landscape had