Othello Analysis Essay

Submitted By MaggieBoggess
Words: 913
Pages: 4

In Shakespeare’s Othello, race is clearly portrayed early on in the story. Seventeenth century England, the time this piece was written, a person’s race distinctly defined the role they played in society. In the beginning of the play, you see the obvious reactions of racism as Barbantio goes before the Senate to declare that his daughter had been a victim of Othello’s witchcraft. Othello’s father-in-law even calls him a “Moor” which is seen continuously within the book. The word is widely used for a person of Northern African descent and is usually Arabic; we find the religion part of this definition incorrect when the author reveals Othello’s baptism. Mercenary moors like our main character were actually very common at the time this play was set, and were overall very accepted as well as respected for their works in the military. Othello, by contrast of his skin color, is a noble figure of great authority, respected and admired by the duke and senate of Venice as well as by those who serve him, such as Cassio, Montano, and Lodovico. Only Iago from the beginning talks of Othello as being animal like, uncivilized, and an outsider. Regardless of the many opinions of him, Othello looks at himself in a whole different light. I believe our main character is caught between seeing himself as a meaningful war hero and suffering from the stereotypes of the Venetian time. In the beginning of the story, it is made clear in front of the court that Othello would do anything to keep Desdemona with him; as the plot thickens, In the beginning of the story, it is made clear in front of the court that Othello would do anything to keep Desdemona with him; as the plot thickens, we see his suspicions as well as the thoughts Iago put into Othello’s head gradually become palpable fears. I think Othello is insecure about his role, and therefore doesn’t take much to be swayed one way or another. In a militaristic view, Othello is cautious and examines every option before making a definite decision throughout the play. The moor, his name from the Venetians, depicts a strong character along with mysterious traits. Othello sees himself as a compassionate individual toward his beloved Desdemona, and treacherous to cross on a field of battle. From my point of view, our Othello looks to be a very complex man in his actions. He can’t really figure out where he stands in his ideals; especially when swayed to believe his wife has laid down with Cassio. The turning point so far for me is when Othello actually begins to buy into this idea of Desdemona being a cheater. His being naïve, it doesn’t take much of Iago’s cunning to implant these thoughts of betrayal into our military hero’s head. Iago cannot be blamed for all this though; Othello was more affected by his lack of control over the situation and the blow this kind of infidelity this would make to his pride.

Question #2
Iago, the antagonist of Othello, is engages the audience with soliloquies at random times throughout the play. Iago's second soliloquy is very revealing, and is telling the reader his true intentions as we get a sneak peek of how his mind works. It shows him shaping a plan out of the confusion of his emotional thoughts. Iago examines his own thoughts, especially his hatred for Othello: He is also suffering from the "green eyed monster, “as he later refers to it, of jealousy that still swirls