Orgo lecture 1 notes Essay

Submitted By n32323aa
Words: 509
Pages: 3


CHOLRINATION RXN  replaces a H+ atom with a Cl- atom
SUBSITUATION RXN an atom is REPLACED by another atom
ELIMINATION RXN produces a double bond be REMOVING 2 adjacent atoms.
SYNTHESIS general term that describes making of compound from other compounds.

Q What is difference between H atom, Hydride ion, and H cation?

Structural isomerism/constitutional isomerism, is a form of isomerism in which molecules with the same molecular formula have bonded together in different orders, i.e. they each have a different structural formula, as opposed to stereoisomerism

Resonance- 1. Max the number of octect, 2. Charge preferable located on atoms with capability electronegativies 3, structure with LESS separation of opposite charges are more important contributors to resonance.

General vocab
Reactant (substrate)-
Reaction Intermediates-
Reaction Mechanism-
Function Groups- “Legos” that bind to skeleton
Atomic #/Mass #
LEWIS DOT STRUCTURE—draw out electrons before bonds -If charged use brackets for -/+ charges on compound (-) Charge means add a electron to total (+) charge means subtract an electron form total
Inner core electrons vs. valence electrons
FC= Group # - Number of valence electrons
All lines drawn show 2 covalent (shared) electrons being shared
Always wants to satisfy “OCTET RULE”

What is a free radical?
Reactive carbons that does not have full octet?
Electron Deficient-NO octect radical very reactive
Difference between Carbon cation and Carbon anion? --Structure and function differences?

How do you draw a 2 chain Carbon in Bond Line form?

Formal Charge- Why do I need to know it?, how do you find it?

Does FC equal net charge in nucleus?

How do you draw triple bond in Bond Line form?

Better to know functional group? Or general structure?

Understand pKa values and relation to acid base conjugation

Learn acid base conjugates

How to identify spectator ion in equation?


Resonance( arrangement vs shape)

Homolitic vs Hetrolitic Bond Charge

Bond Strength vs Bond