Organizational Behavior is a study to understand, predict and manage human behavior at workplace. It studies about the interference of different human beings in an environment and dealing with each other for the sake of work. Organizational Behavior basically deals with three main aspects. • Understand • Predict • Manage In an organization, if the above mentioned three aspects are kept under consideration, then that organization or company can win and progress within days without any conflicts. For any super-visor, the UPM formula works perfectly for convincing the sub-ordinates if he/she has the judging power then, he/she can make the employee work by understanding the nature of employee, predicting the attitude and then managing by understanding It is significant for a proper conduct at work place. It plays an important role either in companies or organizations. Either it is an institution or a factory, all of these can be controlled by organizational behavior. A good environment let the employees working in it feel comfortable and this leads to the progress of that organization. In effective team creation, organizational behavior plays a significant part. When a person would know the hierarchy and follow them then there would be no conflicts. Basically, what organization behavior does is it allows people to work in an environment, regardless of their personal issues and working as an effective team that would apply an effective and impressive progress in the field of company. On Engineers, organizational behavior has the same effect as on the others. It allows them to work in the given environment. No doubt, it has made significant changes that are positive and has affected engineers to work at the work place in a brotherhood environment. Organizational Behavior is helping engineers in positive manner to work in the work place. The main focus for an engineer to work is the satisfaction of his job commitment. This satisfaction is achieved by contribution of several factors that if are maintained then the workplace would surely turn into a place of peaceful In this way, his performance across his manager becomes good. His reputation becomes good. He seems to be punctual and next time for more tasks his name will be under consideration of good books. He should try to become efficient among his manager. An engineer should not be hopeless at his workplace when something is doing wrong from him. Hopelessness leads to destruction. He should work with strategies. He should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. In this scenario, organizational behavior is a significant part for him. By taking knowledge of management functions which are POLC (Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling) he can solve the hindrance. They would also be able to create and use alternative pathways and contingency plans to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. In order to know how to handle a new workforce, and cope with the challenges of the new environment, the engineers need to convey the concept about behavior and attitude of groups, and individuals in corporation. Engineers are prepared to tackle the worst conditions. They are never taught to be treated in a soft manner task. If engineer can understands on a personality and creativity, motivating that employee the way he need to be motivated then the success would be under his
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