Essay Org Behavior Analysis of Fight Club

Words: 2087
Pages: 9

Student X
Student Y
Professor XYZABC

Some NorthwestUniversity
Organizational Behavior

Critical Analysis of the movie Fight Club

The movie Fight Club is an in depth look at the contrast between three different organizations and how each one of them led one man to seek a higher purpose and a more satisfying existence by associating himself with those organizations. In an effort to understand more fully how Organizational Behavior concepts apply to this particular movie, we will look at each group individually, compare and contrast the main purpose of those groups with one another, and then we will explore how the concepts of Organizational Behavior apply to each group. At the start of the movie we are presented

Following the concept of Organizational Justice, we see a common bond among the men who participate in Fight Club. These are men who work hollow jobs and feel they have been served an injustice. They are tired of middle managers relegating them to meaningless tasks and are seeking distributive justice. They seek to communicate their disgruntled perceptions with their fists, often times crying after a fight at the incredible release of energy and stress. “Once you’ve been in Fight Club, it’s as though life has the volume turned down.” As our main character has developed a new “support group”, he begins to exhibit many of the counterproductive behaviors listed in the Neglect aspect of the EVLN model of job dissatisfaction. His work is seemingly less important than at any other time in the movie. He starts to ignore the dress code, shows up late, and even neglects to complete work reports with what would be regarded as any level of competency. Following the exhibit in Chapter 7, due to the distress he obtains from his work, he exhibits classic signs of Physiological, Psychological, and Behavioral consequences. He suffered from sleep disturbances and undoubtedly high blood pressure. Upon discovering group therapy he displayed moodiness, exhaustion, job dissatisfaction, and signs of burnout. Once he was fully involved in Fight Club, his behavior at work changed dramatically. He exhibited severely lower job performance, higher absenteeism, and