Good afternoon class today I will be discussing whether child immunization should be compulsory in Australia. I Believe it should be, the issue of Immunisation is surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Some parents are concerned about vaccine safety and effectiveness but the risk of complications from childhood diseases such as measles is much higher than the risk of immunisation reactions. Researchers have not established any link between immunisation and autism, diabetes or sudden unexpected death in infancy. The benefits of immunization far outweigh the risks; Immunization can save your child’s life and is very safe and effective. Parents want to do everything possible to make sure their children are healthy and protected from preventable diseases. Vaccination is the best way to do that. Vaccination can not only benefit your children but also the people around your children. Vaccines have reduced and in some cases eliminated many diseases that killed or severely disabled people just a few generations ago for example the vaccination of smallpox put an end to the disease worldwide and now the vaccine is not needed.
There are many myths and misconceptions when it comes to immunisation. Such as vaccines are 100% effective and you are unable to get the disease after you have been vaccinated, Vaccines are not a force field, so while it is still possible to get the disease after you’ve been vaccinated against, the severity and duration will be reduced. Although immunizations are not 100% effective they still save lives each year but unfortunately hundreds of thousands of infants die from preventable diseases each year around the world from not being vaccinated. Another common myth is that immunizations can cause autism. Over the last two decades extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccines and autism. Scientific research has not directly connected autism to vaccines. Vaccines are very important. Parents must make the decision whether to vaccinate their children. Efforts must be continually made to educate parents about vaccine safety. If parents decide not to vaccinate they must be aware of the consequences in their community and their local schools.
All children in Australia should be immunized; Immunizations have benefited many people from suffering from diseases such as mumps, rubella, tetanus, measles, polio and more. Immunization can save your child’s life, protect others you care about; it is very safe and effective and can also protect future generations. The benefits far outweigh the risks. Side effects from vaccines are minor compared to the disease that is vaccinated so there is really no reason not to get vaccinated. The introduction to vaccines has not only benefited the individuals but also the community by erasing some diseases completely. Immunisation has been demonstrated repeatedly to be one of the most effective medical interventions we have to prevent disease, worldwide. It has been estimated that immunisation currently saves 3 million lives each year around the world.
Getting children immunised can not only stop these diseases from affecting them but also the spread to anyone surrounding them and can also save time and money in the long term. Not everyone can be immunized, babies can be too young to get immunized, some people may have allergic reactions to certain vaccines and others may have a weak immune system caused by illnesses. The more people who get immunized as children will benefit those who cannot get immunised by preventing the spread of these diseases. You may know people who are not able to be immunized the best way to keep them safe from preventable diseases is to be vaccinated yourself to help stop the spread to