Brittani Cook
JAMS 201
Question #6
Society notices people such as Heidi Klum, Beyoncé, or Kim Kardashian, and they have become our ideal of beauty. The perception of beauty has become worse because people are not seeing beauty as personality characteristics. They are defining beauty by outside appearances. It is like judging books by the cover. I am sure everybody has encountered a moment in their life where they see somebody else and second-guess themselves. For me, being a girl is definitely frustrating enough. I have had times that I felt like I was not beautiful because I was not as experienced putting on make-up or I was not stylish enough for people to notice me. It made things hard until I understood that I should be content with myself. As I got older, I began to embrace the qualities I had to offer and not to be ashamed of who I became.
Images of female bodies are everywhere across media. Sex sells. Sex has become the selling point of a product, rather than the value of the product or service itself. Everywhere a person turns, women's bodies are being used to sell products. Popular film and television actors are younger, taller, and thinner all the time, which I as a young girl idolized. Beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder. Women aim for standards that seem normal based off what we have gathered over the years from media. For women looks are more crucial than men are. It is hard to achieve and maintain the image that media has defined as beautiful. Every day when I walk into the bathroom at school, I see girls applying eyeliner, fixing their hair, or checking themselves out. It is not because they think they look