I have a HP Flyer Laptop PC and I have had it for a few years now. Personally I love it and I think the operating system is great. Reading chapter 8 in the textbook has helped me understand my operating system more and my laptop more as a whole. The operating system that I have on my laptop is Windows 7 Professional. Along with Windows 7 Professional, Service pack 1 is also on the computer. There is a 500 GB hard drive and also 14.7 G of disk space. It was interesting seeing that the processor installed on the laptop is called AMD E - 350 Processor 1.60 GHz. I did not think that processors would have unique labelings, I figured they would just have simple names. The RAM amount is 4.00 GB and the computer cannot be updated to the latest version. Reading about the many features of Windows 7 Professional was a surprise because I did not notice all of them until I did some research. Windows 7 Professional has an encrypting file system that enables encrypting of files and folders directly from Windows explorer. Another great feature is that the whole computer or certain files, folders, etc can be backed up on DVDs, CDs, and networks along. The computer, files, folders, etc can also be restored from the DVDs, CDs, and networks. There is also a memory support feature that allows 192 GB of physical memory to be supported. Along with the other features, Windows 7 Professional has location aware printing. This means that your computer can search for near printers and will connect and print from nearby printers. Another feature I discovered in remote desktop connect. Remote desktop connect allows you to connect to another Pc that also runs Windows 7 Professional. There are a lot of other features
Operating System Core piece of software that allows the computer to run Manages: Hardware User Interface All other software Common features Providing a user interface Managing computer memory Managing computer hardware 6 types of OS Single user Multi user Interactive Real time Batch Distributed Single user Two types of single user IS Single user, single app Single user, multitasking Single user single app Deals with one user, running one application at a time Eg. Mobiles Single user, multi…
Operating Systems Cynthia Ward BUS/210 June 2, 2013 Michael Page University of Phoenix Operating Systems The business world is a vast and complicated industry that has many different facets to it. Even within the some type of industry, the differences are obvious. Fast food restaurants, department stores, pharmacies, medical facilities, and grocery stores are types of different of businesses and they all have different operating systems. As consumers, there is the expectations that service…
Operating System- Mac OS What is an Operating system? An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless. Once the operating system has started up; it manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Without the operating system…
computer. Once these skills become second nature, tasks like revising documents, managing files, and sharing images will become much less of a hassle. This guide will show you all of the ways you can copy and paste files and text, regardless of your operating system or skill level. Highlight text. Text is one of the most common objects that gets copied, and is essential for document editing and other word processing tasks. You can click and drag to select specific sections of text, or press ^ Ctrl+A (PC)…
types of operating systems that are distinguished from one another by the response time and how the data is entered in the system. These types are interactive, batch, real-time and embedded systems. Below are the fundamental differences between each: Batch Systems Introduced in first generation computers. Relied on stacks of punched cards and magnetic tapes for input. Batch system performance was measured in the throughput which are the number of jobs completed an hour. Interactive Systems Introduced…
Operating Systems Analysis Introduction to Operating Systems Operating Systems Analysis There are many types of operating systems that take advantage of the Internet. However, only three main operating systems that are widely used and these operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. To access the Internet these operating systems requires certain software which will allow the user to browse the Internet. The software which allows the computer to gain access to the Internet…
Operating system software LO1 - Understand the components of computer systems Name as many operating systems as you can. Starter Look at operating system software ◦ Develop knowledge of GUI and Command line interfaces ◦ Research the advantages and disadvantages of popular operating systems. Objectives An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of its software and hardware. It also allows you…
like the different Operating systems of computers- like Windows, Macintosh, Unix / Linux, etc,. So, the religions, atheism, vegetarianism, European-ism, Asian-ism or any such beliefs and thinking, indicate following some form of Human Operating system suitable for the people's life and better lives. The life's Operating system is to guide for better happy, healthy and prosperous life, basing on the research reports or books published by famous people. The human operating system also tries to take…
Identifying Operating System Not quite sure on how to start this lab submission but I was asked to identify the operating system in my lab computer. My operating system that my computer is using is Windows 7. I was asked to talk about five features of my operating system. The five features I will talk…