The Washington Redskins have been a team in the National Football League since the early 1930’s. They have won championships and have brought our attention to successful players such as Joe Theismann, Santana Moss, Joe Gibbs and recent Baylor graduate Robert Griffin III. I have watched them my entire life as my family is a die-hard Dallas Cowboy fan and the two teams are in the same division so they play each other twice every year. I have never thought the name “Redskin” was considered racist until lately jumping into the news. Recently, in a legal challenge that has been going on for a couple of decades now, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office cancelled the trademark status for the teams name and their logo, stating that it is an ethic slur disparaging to Native Americans. Some Native Americans do not oppose of the name and logo, being in the 21st century, but a great portion of them do which makes the term problematic. Native Americans have been asking Washington to change the name and the logo since the 1960s, yet nothing has changed. So with the cancellation of the trademark status by the U.S. patent office, this currently does not mean much. In 1992, the team lost a similar challenge but eventually prevailed. If the owner of the redskins, Dan Snyder, wanted to change the name or the logo, he would have been able to do so a long time ago and this is where I see the problem. Are people starting to compare Dan Snyder to Donald Sterling because
Brittany Raymond 6.3.3 practice: writing op-ed speech 12/16/14 On December 4, 2014, New York City officials announced that a grand jury had cleared the police officer who put Staten Islander Eric Garner in a choke hold that directly caused a heart attack that later killed him. This announcement brought national attention to the issue and sparked huge protests throughout major cities across the United States. These protests were also very diverse and had people of many races or ethnic backgrounds…
What kid doesn’t want free lunch? Heck, what adult doesn’t want free lunch? So it is clear, if we had the ability to get free lunch, we would get it. Many big cities already provide their students with free lunch, and New York City may be next, thanks to public advocate Leticia James. James wants to provide all of the students in New York City with free lunches because she believes that students do not sign up because they are embarrassed, and then the kids do not receive their nutrition for the…
JOURNALISM 300 Tom Konyves Notes for NEWS STORY ASSIGNMENT 1. Grading of News Story Assignment 2. 11 Factors that influence what is newsworthy 3. Basic Do's and Don'ts about Newswriting 4. Suggested Layout for News and Op-Ed Articles 5. The Triangulation of Truth Grading of News Story Assignment 10% for Interesting, Accurate Headline 25% for Interesting, Accurate Lead 25% Information (5 W’s + 1 How, and 1 So What) 15% for Organization of Story (the weave) 10% Proper Grammar…
Morgan Bellamy POLI 201 Op-ed Assignment OPINION: Stephen Harper’s Horse Must be stopped Harper’s plans for the Arctic Circle are expected to come with a 3.5 billion dollar price tag for a fleet of ice breaking patrol ships1 before factoring environmental and political costs. It’s no surprise to Canadians that Stephen Harper is breaking the Arctic ice, in 2005 he revealed the project, then again in 20082, and just now are we actually seeing any real work being done. With the project’s estimated arrival…
Sale and use of heroin should be prohibited I argue that both the sale and use of heroin should be prohibited to prevent the harm to others. The effects of heroin can be dangerous and can lead to death. The liberty or freedom to consume and sell of heroin should be prohibited to prevent another human being from death and harm. Heroin can lead to the harm of others by distribution of drug by needle and consumption of the drug in general. This harm can affect friends, family and even acquaintances…
The Koyal Group Info Mag Review: In the Digital Age, Science Publishing Needs an Upgrade (Op Ed) Daniel Marovitz is CEO of Faculty of 1000. Faculty of 1000 is a publisher for life scientists and clinical researchers, and comprises of three services; F1000Prime, F1000Research and F1000Posters. F1000Research is an open science publishing platform for life scientists that offers immediate publication and transparent peer review. Before that, he was the CEO and co-founder of Buzzumi, a cloud-based enterprise…
Social Action Rep(resentative) Kit Be A Rep Program Powered by About Miss Representation Miss Representation is a feature-length documentary that exposes how mainstream media, with its limited – and often disparaging – portrayals of women and girls, contributes to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. Building off the themes of the film, is organizing tens of thousands of individuals…
revenues of about $3.6 million, and assets of about $17.5 million. We make college more affordable by charging about half the amount the university charges for housing. We also provide organizational, logistical and financial support for other co-ops on a local and national level.Before NASCO, 1946 In 2004 College Houses lost about $259,000. Members, the Board, and staff put their heads together to deal with the challenge. A large number of student apartments had been built the previous year,…
Heritage and Gastronomy: the pursuits of the 'new tourist' Jetske van Westering Abstract The main thrust of this text is to acknowledge the relationship between gastronomy and heritage as a key motivator for travel. Gastronomy, as a central part of culture, and its influence on other aspects of culture has received scant recognition from the academic world generated by tourism. Gastronomy, heritage and tourism are old friends; the relationship between them is mutually parasitic. Gastronomy's role…
Mitt Romney Economic Adviser Calls For Raising Taxes On The Rich, Contradicting Entire GOP Campaign Mitt Romney's former economic adviser Glenn Hubbard published an op-ed in the Financial Times Tuesday calling for higher tax rates on the wealthy and urging Republicans to outline specific spending cuts rather than vague across-the-board reductions in government spending. Hubbard's comments are noteworthy because Romney resisted both policies during his run for the presidency. "What should those…