Essay on Onsite Daycare

Words: 1195
Pages: 5

What is an Onsite Daycare and Why Should We Have One?

An onsite Daycare is a place directly located at the employers of parents with toddlers or babies who need full time child care while their parents are at work. It allows the parents the advantage of being close to their children while still being able to maintain stability with their careers.
According to Statistics Canada, the amount of two parented full time working families has gone up 17% since the 1980’s. As a result of such an outcome, more employees in larger and smaller based companies are finding it harder to keep up with both risen work loads and home life necessities, which in turn have caused more absentees in the work place. The reason being for this is due to

Purchasing commercial liability and accident insurance,

Other ways in which liabilities can be avoided through keeping the daycare as safe as possible, which could mean not having easy accessible staircases, being sure the perimeter is safely guarded to avoid escapes, not having lavish items such as swimming pools and an overly intricate playground area. Being sure that all children are divided into reasonable age groups to avoid injury is also a factor.

Who Else in Canada Sponsors On-Site Daycares?

To name a few there are several Canadian wide based companies, and provincial only based companies who have taken on onsite daycares. There companies include BC Hydro, WorksafeBC, CIBC and TD Bank. Their reasoning for doing so revolved around the fact that too many employees were missing work due to having to pertain to their home life priorities. In turn, their solution was to bring home life to work. Since CIBC has taken on joining up with Children First and opening a new Toronto based onsite Daycare, they have statistically saved 6,700 work days within 4 years of opening, thus in return resulting in over a million dollars in productivity savings. Both parents and employees have agreed on the relevance of having onsite daycares within the work place. BC Hydro, which is a smaller provincial based company had decided to take on a”self-care in the work place” approach and also concluded that having an onsite daycare makes for happier,