How can traditional (or old media) enterprises such as film, television and music overcome the threat of online piracy and file sharing?
The rise of the Internet era opened the whole new market for traditional media full of opportunities as well as threats. Online piracy being one of them because the music and film industry loses £5.4bn in a year and if it was reduced by 10% it could have created up to 13 thousand jobs in the UK. There are various attempts taken to fight with online piracy; a case study of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement will be considered as well as other legislations attempting to regulate copyrights in the Internet. This ACTA means Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement crafted by Japan and United States and signed by Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea in October 2011. In January 2012 European Commission enter negotiations whether to sign the treaty, together with non-elected representatives from 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Luxemburg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. The European Commission says that ACTA is an international trade agreement aimed at ensuring the EU's already high standard of protection for intellectual property rights can be enforced globally. ACTA proved to be very controversial especially while in early 2012 it was meant to be signed by i.e. Poland. On announcement that the government is going to sign ACTA on the 26th January major protests and hacker attack on governmental websites emerged. The antagonists say that it is going to be the end of free internet and the freedom of speech is going to be limited there. The Act allows for the websites suspected of infringement to be taken down without a legal procedure and notification to the owner. The protagonists say that it is the only way for the music and film industry to stand a chance in the fight for copyright, as the other methods fail. Another reason is that the semiotic problem confuses the public and one part of them
effective in reducing online music piracy. Online music piracy is the illegal sharing of copyrighted music over the internet and is a growing issue as the internet becomes more accessible. It has a damaging effect on the music industry, as the incomes of artists, producers, and others alike are affected. Research was conducted to identify the relevant legal and technological measures currently undertaken, and to determine if they are effective in curbing online music piracy. This was done through…
Piracy: Good Thing? Maura Pinto Fortis Institute Mrs. MacDonald March 12, 2012 Piracy: Good Thing? Throughout the world, there are people who illegally…
English 101 MW, 6:30-7:45 April 26th, 2013 Internet Piracy INTRODUCTION: In our generation today, there is a great deal of sharing files over the internet, whether it be music, movies, documents, or any other kind of media file. The sharing of copy-written material or patented material over the Internet is called Internet piracy, and it is illegal. In the words of Beverly Storrs, “Piracy is the use of another person’s idea, product, or invention without their permission, which is an infringement…
Lexi Baca B.Stoutamore WRI 95.04 16 November 2014 Music Piracy Informative Essay I Digital music piracy is the theft of online music. Millions of people pirate music without a second thought. Many websites also provide people with pirated music and videos. People use music and other multimedia online. It is more convenient and easy than purchasing a CD. Influences such as social, economic, and behaviors increase the likelihood of one pirating music (Jeong, Bong-Keun). There are negative and positive…
com/8301-503544_162-57360665-503544/sopa-pipa-what-you-need-to-know/ Article #2 Headline: Growing Chorus of Opposition to "Stop Online Piracy Act" Paraphrase: in its website the center for democracy and technology (January 9,2012) the proposals fierce opponents of sent many letters to the congress, and one letter from Law professors the SOPA will destroy one the best part of the US economy : the Online Commerce. This bill will violates the US first amendement.This proposal is bad because it directly repressive…
7/22/2012 Copyright & Piracy | Lachlan Gepp | ITS | Piracy Must Be Stopped! | ITS | Piracy Must Be Stopped! | Piracy is defined as the “practice of a pirate; robbery or illegal violence at sea” (Collins English Dictionary), but piracy in the media and electronic piracy is a whole different forte. Piracy is the unauthorized distribution and/or reproduction of a creators work without giving back any recognition to the creator. Also, copyright is a legal notion introduced by the United…
Piracy in the United States One of the biggest debates in the recent history of the US has been the ongoing attempts to stop illegal intellectual property theft. The two legislations Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) recently tried to be passed through the US Congress. These two acts in an effort to permanently stop all online piracy, would’ve essentially changed the face of the internet as we know it. 90 - 95% of websites would be shut down or fined all to combat…
Piracy of the Digital Age When the word piracy is mentioned, the majority of people tend to think of large ships firing cannon balls at each other, and men with large hats and bad teeth. That image is, however, is greatly outdated. The average present-day pirate doesn’t steal gold or jewels, they steal digital files. The Recording Industry Association of America has described online pirating as: “You can’t see them coming; there’s no warning shot across your bow. Yet rest assured the pirates are…
the policy behind the bill, the supporters and those against the bill, and finally ways to improve on the legislation. Background The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was a United States bill introduced by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-TX) to help expand U.S. law enforcement's jurisdiction to combat online copyright infringement, as well as, online trafficking in counterfeit goods. SOPA's provisions include court orders requiring Internet service providers to block access to websites that…
illegally are breaking the law. Music and movies come with a copyright law to prevent people from copying them. The people that break this law copy and distribute them in peer to peer(P2P) networks to share with others. It may seem harmless to go online and download an album or movie but by doing this you are breaking the law. Breaking this law can come at a high cost. According to "The Law" (2015), "Criminal penalties can run up to five years in prison and/or $250,000 in fines, even if you didn’t…