Many Americans are attending college. Some are just coming from high school and some have been out of school for a while. No matter if you are continuing you education or returning from a long leave. There are choices about you education you will have to make. The main choice is to decide if you want to attend collage online or on campus. If you have a Job and family at home then online could the best choice for you.
When deciding how to attend school, a person should always weigh the pros and cons of campus vs online, the first thing someone should consider is how he or she learn best. So let consider if he or she had a Job, a family or other things that they would interfere with a full time schedule.
Online classes will give a person a full schedule but it is more of work at your own pace thing, online classes gives you all of you learning and reading assignments on a Monday witch will usually due on Sundays. Whereas if you were going to a attend a campus full time they would have to a physically attend a class for at least 2-5 time a week for 2-3 hours per day, and most of the assignments are due the next class period.
Transportation or commuting is another benefit that an online school would help eliminate online classes are done at home on you time so there is no need to travel anywhere as long as you have internet access and a computer, whereas an on campus you would have a daily commute and leave in plenty of time not to be late. Another reason a person might want consider online classes is because you work on your own. Most campus today have a very overwhelming amount of students in each class. Online classes eliminate all the over overwhelming feeling of being around a lot people.
One more thing a person may like more about doing classes online is, books. They do not have to go to a book store and wait forever to get their books, nor do they have to walk around carrying a bunch of books in their back packs. Students who attend online classes will order a few books off the online
Online vs. In-class learning Are you thinking about going to college and trying to figure out whether online learning or in-class learning is best for you? With today’s economy it is nearly impossible to find a good paying job without a college education. While both online learning and in-class learning can grant you the same education, there are the social, instructor feedback, day to day life, and convenience aspect to look at when making the decision. In online learning when to study is the…
Running Head: ONLINE VS. CLASSROOM Does Students Who Learn On-line Have Better Grades Than Students Who Learn In a Classroom Setting? Abstract On April 5, 2013 we have conducted a survey on the campus of Bowie State University with fifty students who have completed a Introduction to Business class online or in class. Our purpose was to see if online learning is the best way to retain information as studies from our literature, journal…
Online vs. Traditional Education Deciding to go back to school is very exciting, and depending on which type of education is best for each individual will depend on the life style each individual lives, and if a person lives a very busy life then online is the best choice, but if a person wants to be in class and work one on one with instructors and classmates then traditional education will be the better…
Honors English 10 – Compare and Contrast Essay : Outline Monday, September 23, 2013 Public VS. Home/Online Schooling: Classes, Instruction & Cost, and Experiences. There have been many opinions regarding online and public schooling. Hundreds of questions have risen with this topic including, “Is the child learning his/her best?” and “Are they really learning, or are they wasting their time?” Well, the children, teens and parents that have already studied using both tactics know the answers…
Online Classes versus Traditional Classes Technology and education has given students many choices in how they obtain their education such as online classes. There have been numerous discussions recently about the success of online learning. The success of the online classes versus traditional classes is based upon the uniqueness of each individual way of learning. Online classes and traditional classes provide flexibility, direct communication and course materials. Studies have shown that online…
Comparing student learning: Traditional Learning vs. Online Learning Which type of learning is better, traditional or online? As we all know, attending a college or university is nothing new. For the longest time the biggest issues for students were which school to attend and how to pay for it. However, with new and constant developments in modern technology these students are faced with a new problem: which type of learning is better, traditional or online? Students are not the only ones dealing with…
Rough Draft:Analysis the debate between Online and Traditional Education. An online education is an unavoidable result of a rapid-rate innovative life? Industrial has intensely altered the energy of the current life and the view of people discussion. The initiation of online education is an contemplated systematic innovation that has regularly increased in favor. Online education has enhanced approachable to education for varied sections of person in what few stated development of education. It…
Online learning! There is so much to say about it, some good some bad. Personally I believe it is all on the person taking the class. To some students it might be the best thing in the world and to others they just might not get it as well. It is no lie that falling behind and getting lost could happen to you so easy and so fast if you are not on top of yourself. I asked multiple students multiple questions and most of them had the same answers and common life styles. Upon my research of online…
20 September 2013 English 1A Online Shopping vs. In-store shopping Online and in-store shopping differentiates in various ways. However, they both are convenient ways to shop. Recently, online shopping has been most convenient for me, but I enjoy both ways of shopping. I believe that shopping preferences change depending on a person’s situation. I noticed that many people are starting to prefer online shopping more than in-store shopping. Online shopping is most convenient for individuals that…
ONLINE COURSE DELIVERY: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Dr. Susan Haugen, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Dr. James LaBarre, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Dr. John Melrose, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, ABSTRACT There are many issues and challenges associated with delivering a course online via the Internet. These include development and revision of the course prior to being online, teaching the course once it goes “live”, quality control…