Homework planning sheet –
Preparation for ISA practical
Deadline – Next Lesson
Complete the questions below:
Title: Investigate an investigation into osmosis.
You are trying to find the optimum solution for a chip shop owner to store his potato chips in before cooking.
If the chip shop owner puts them in a solution that makes them take in water the chips will become too flaccid, if they lose too much water they will shrink.
Section A
Research two methods
You may research your own sources.
What to research
Possible methods http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-biology/osmosis Background information http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa_pre_2011/cells/cells4.shtml What is an ISA? www.science-spark.co.uk/isa.html 1. State and explain your hypothesis.
2. Name two sources that you used for your research – be very specific
Which of these sources was the more useful, and why? 3. Describe how you plan to do your investigation to test the hypothesis you formulated.
You should include:
The aim of the experiment
Identify the dependent and independent variable
The equipment that you plan to use
How you will use the equipment = method the measurements that you are going to make (think of a suitable range, intervals and number of repeat readings that you should take Note: you will repeat each set of readings three times.)
How you will make it a fair test.
List the possible hazards you may encounter during the experiment. How would you minimize them? (This is called risk assessment) Draw a simple table that you could record your results in. You must include