Olympic Effect Essay

Submitted By mahesh70
Words: 1188
Pages: 5

In this booklet you will find about sunflowers, roses and bluebells. In this booklet you will find that flowers are all different kind of flowers.

Sunflowers are very beautiful
Flowers and are used for decoration.
Sunflower plants can be from 3 to 18
Feet tall. One sunflower can have up to
2000 seeds. Sunflowers are very beautiful
Flowers and are used for decoration.
Sunflower plants can be from 3 to 18
Feet tall. One sunflower can have up to
2000 seeds.

There are two kinds of sunflower
Seeds. Oil is made from black seeds
And snacks are made from striped
Seeds. Sunflower seeds are also used
To feed birds. While the vibrant, strong sunflower is a recognized worldwide for its beauty, it is also an important source of food. Sunflower oil is a valued and healthy vegetable oil and sunflower seeds are enjoyed as a healthy, tasty snack and nutritious ingredient to many foods.

Sunflower is an important agricultural crop choice for US producers in the northern plains of the Dakotas to the panhandle of Texas. Browse this complete site on US sunflower production to learn about the sturdy sunflower and the healthy products it provides.

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Roses Roses belong to the family Rosaceous a rather large family (meaning that it contains many species), including quite a few food and ornamental crops. Members of the family usually have stipules (the pair of green flaps at the base of the leaf), often have thorns or prickles, and their flowers tend to have their parts in multiples of 5, with large numbers more than 12 of stamens. Flowers of most members of the family have a hypanthia, which is a bowl- or cup-shaped structure, made up of the bases of the sepals, petals, stamens, and part of the receptacle the end of the stem to which the flower is attached all fused together. The sepals, petals, and stamens appear to grow out of the edge of t The family Rosaceous is divided into six subfamilies, based on flower and/or fruit structure. Species within a subfamily are more closely related to each other than they are to members of any other subfamily. Think of it as a filing system, where the family might be the filing cabinet, each drawer a subfamily, each genus a file folder, and each species an individual document within the folder. The closer two items are to being alike, the more likely they are to be "filed" close to each other. His hypanthia.
Pomoideae pom-oy-dee-ee err includes sepal important fruits. All of this subfamily makes a "pome" as their fruit type. A pome has a core made up of the true fruit (ovary), surrounded by a much-enlarged hypanthia. Apples, pears, and loquats are in this group. Most of what you eat is actually swollen hypanthia, and the core that gets thrown away is the true fruit (derived from the ovary of the flower).
Prunoideae (prune-oy-dee-ee) - In this subfamily, the fruit is a "drupe," entirely made up of the ovary of a flower. The hypanthia fall off with the petals, while the fruit is still tiny. A drupe has a thin outer skin, a soft, juicy pulp, and a hard, stony "pit," surrounding 1 or 2 seeds. This group includes peach, nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot, and almond. In the case of almonds, we throw away the fruit and keep the pit.
With one exception, the plants we call "roses" all belong to a single genus within the Pomoideae. The genus name is Rosa, which should always be written in italics or, if your typewriter or word processor can't do that, it may be underlined Rosa. The exception is Hulthemia persona, which has been separated from the true roses because of its simple leaves (only one leaflet), its complete lack of stipules, and perhaps some other reasons. We don't often see it in this country, but I saw some nice specimens at