• Background, education and career
Jezz was born New Mexico on Jan 12 1964.
At younge age, like Steve Jobs, he use his parent garage as a
Graduated in Princeton University New Jersey and get his computer science degree electrical engineering.
However, he later move on to the Wall Street Banker Trust which s corporation in finance industry. But he does not interested in generating lots of personal profit.
He stop his current job because he sees a new opportunity. Amazon is one of the largest online retailer in US (ebay, kiijiji) company. In general, Generate net revenue 90 billion USD in 2014. The increasing rate of 20% of last year, 2013.
Amazon.com has expanded beyond selling books, to selling almost everything, including music, video, and even its own gadget, the Amazon Kindle. By 2009,
Amazon was up 5000% since its IPO
• Activities outside of work: Causes/ Philanthropy/ Interests
Richard Branson
ARTS & CULTURE: Bezos has given $10 million to the Museum of History &
Industry (MOHAI)
New Jersey
. to establish a Center for Innovation at its new location. EDUCATION:
Bezos supports education initiatives that foster better learning environments, strengthen K12 public education, and support young leaders. The
Bezos Family Foundation has given millions in grants, both large and small, to hundreds of schools and education programs. It also funds the Bezos Scholars
Program at the Aspen Institute every year.