Growth on Obesity
Our country has been having problems with obesity and has been changing many of American lives. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese, not counting those with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer cases that attribute to being overweight. Our nation is getting bigger and obesity day by day is getting more popular which is definitely not good for our healths. One out of three adults are overweight or obese in The United States the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and it is the nation’s top agency that works to prevent, and control disease which includes obesity. How to determine, overweight and obesity in adults? Its ranges are det
ermined by using one’s weight and height to calculate a number called the "body mass index" (BMI). A (BMI) of 27 or greater is classified as overweight and unhealthy. BMI is used to determine body fat based on an individual’s height and weight (Dietz W).
Obesity in children has also been growing especially in the United States. One out of three children is either overweight or obese childhood obesity can have harmful effects on the body in so many ways as well as in adults. Obese children are more likely to have health concerns including: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. Children are also at risk of obtaining type 2 diabetes. This is common with those that are relatively overweight or obese because of high sugar intake. Furthermore obese children and adolescents are at a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as discrimination and bullying by peers which carry poor self-esteem, and continue into adulthood. And those children and adolescents are more likely to stay obese when they are adults, and it even becomes more severe.
Michelle Obama has spoken as part of the Partnership for a Healthier America's Building a Healthier Future Summit; it was an event focusing on childhood obesity. She was the honorary chair of the nonprofit organization, which also works with Wal-Mart, the YMCA, and the U.S. Olympic Committee. This organization is trying to get rid of the statistics for obese children in our nation. For example some statistics: One in three kids in the United States is obese, and another third is overweight.
Michelle has also been in talks with media companies to think about their product placement, like the popular TV characters and what they are eating and drinking. Research shows that children are considerably more likely to demand food based on what they watch on their preferred programs (Angela Haupt ). Michelle Obama has been known to be working with Disney on raising awareness to that channel. I personally have seen her in commercials with a TV character talking about eating healthy she also talks about the need to exercise. She is quite convincing when she speaks to lot of kids, and can associate that she is an authority considering that she is the president’s wife. And Disney for instance is cutting all advertisements for unhealthy foods from its children's marketing which ought to make a difference. Since advertisements are huge and billions of dollars are spent on it each year.
Fast food industries are highly processed foods that contain too much sodium, sugar and preservatives; these ingredients help with a speedy preparation and are meant to be served immediately. When speed counts the most which it does in fast food restaurants, the cooks don’t take the time to prep and cook foods that take long or even include fresh vegetables or fruit. Fast food does mean convenience and these foods are often cheaper
Oscar Noguera Mrs. Higley English Composition Obesity in America Thesis: Obesity in America is a major issue, people will have a reduced life expectancy, physical limitations, and possible social isolation when suffering obesity. I. Reduced life expectancy A. Cardiovascular disease B. Higher risk of type two diabetes C. Prone to strokes II. Physical limitations A. Lifting objects B. Walking C. Doing activities with your children III. Social Isolation A. Loneliness from friends and average people…
The Progression of Obesity in America July 29, 2013 Abstract In the past 30 years, obesity rates in America have skyrocketed. The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) most current figures show that over one third of America is Obese and another third is overweight. What many fail to realize is that obesity affects society as a whole. Obesity causes many other health defects as well. With rates of obesity forecast to continue to rise, we as a unified people must do something to address this…
Obesity in America There are many people from different countries who are not provided with the nutrition needed to stay healthy. America, however, is considered to have an abundance of food, but not necessarily nutritional when making the choices to be healthy. Because of this surplus of food, Americans tend to over eat more than their daily intake which eventually will lead to being overweight or obese and may also cause other health complications. Obesity in America is one…
5 Assignment- Obesity in America GEN499: General Education Capstone Instructor: Mark Bowles Final Paper: Obesity in America Obesity in America is real and profoundly alarming when you look at the major impact it has on our communities. Major health concerns like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure cases are at an all time high. Specifically, the disparity between low-income urban inner cities in regards to obesity as compared to…
Obesity in America Jamie Hart Applied Behavioral Science 200 Destiny Champion April 1, 2013 Obesity in America Obesity means having too much body fat. This does not mean to be overweight where there is just too much weight. Obesity simply deals with fat. Being overweight can be from a number of things such as, muscle or water weight. There are a few causes of obesity, intake of too many calories, too much alcohol, and the lack of exercise to counteract the intake. Factors that may affect…
Despite all the efforts being put into place by the media there is still a growing concern with obesity in the United States. If something is not done soon then future generations of children will grow up to become overweight and suffer from a long list of health problems as they become older. In order to fix these problems we need to change the way we think, teach our kids in the home about healthy choices, and help try and change the way our schools feed them. In order to fix the problem we need…
In Nanci Hellmich’s USA Today article, she says, “Obesity percentages rose from 2.8% in 1994… to 6.3% in 2010.” Her statement proves that the overweight population is dangerously growing and could raise health bills. Hellmich also mentions, “Diet alone is not recommended, the guideline says. People should do moderate physical activity, working up to doing at least 150 minutes per week. They also should get behavioral counseling.” People in America need to start disciplining their inner temptations…
It’s that time of year where we make a huge jump from our bikinis to boots. You guessed it, its time for the fall and winter season. Get ready to put away the shorts, the tank-tops and the swimwear and take out the scarves, over-sized sweaters and boots. “The best part about the fall/winter time is that you can layer up and stay warm” says Kelli Preto, the fashion teacher here at Stagg. The styles here at Stagg are very diverse. Everyone loves to express themselves in many ways. We all have our…
The obesity rate in North American countries is among the highest in the world. Obesity is not only prevalent among adults in North America, but children as well. North Americans often neglect nutrition in favor of convenience, leading to poor food choices. This, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, leaves many North Americans overweight or obese. Because of this, obesity-related illnesses rank among the leading causes of death in North America. The obesity rate in North American countries is among…
many reasons that North America should be one of the healthiest continents of the world. But why not? Well In North America there are lots of things to get us not making the right choice of what we eat, or do our exercise. Some of these reasons are; fast food on the go, advertisement, laziness, lack of exercise, food addiction, attitude towards their body, depression, and transportation. One of the biggest reasons for obesity is fast food on the go. In North America we have the largest amounts…