1.1 Bacteria – are living beings (microorganisms) which are tiny cells.
Virus – are none living and cannot reproduce without a cell.
Fungi – are mild skin infections.
Parasites – is an organism that lives in another organism it has to have a host to live it cannot live independently.
1.3 Infection – invasion and multiplication of microorganisms of such as bacteria and viruses.
Colonisation – the presence of bacteria on the surface, I: e skin, mouth, airways without causing disease in the person.
1.4 Systemic infection is in the blood stream and spreading through the body, Septicaemia is an example. Localised is restricted to one small area, an infected cut or ulcer. A localised can spread and become a systemic.
1.5 Not wearing PPE, leaving patients in infected bays, not washing hands.
2.1- They can come from food they need food to survive, warmth,
Moisture can make they multiply, air can make them multiply.
This varies depending on the type of bacteria.
2.2- Infective agents may enter the body from common colds, flu, pneumonia enters the body through the nose and they start to multiply if not treated right away. Some come from food, through the skin from cuts and can come from the air when breathed in.