Unit 11: Principles of personal development in adult social care settings
1: understand how to reflect on practice in adult social care
1.1: Explain what reflective practice is
What you did - How you did it - Why you did it - How you felt - What went well - What you would do differently. The Oxford dictionary defines the meaning of reflect is to think carefully and deeply about something ‘.
Reflection is the personal examination of your own thoughts and actions; it is about thinking things over. Reflection is an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull over & evaluate it. When working in an adult care setting this means being conscious about how you interact with colleagues, your clients and the environment. It means thinking about how you could have done something differently, what you did well, what you could have done better, how you could improve what you did. It also means reflecting on your own values, beliefs and experiences which shape your thoughts and ideas. I am responsible for providing an equal , non-discriminatory and inclusive service to all individuals no matter what a person’s personal beliefs and values may be.
Reflective practice is exploring why and how you practice, thinking back over a situation or activity and then developing a different approach to gain insight into a new way of learning.
Unit 2: Factsheet.
1.1: Duties and responsibilities of your role.
• To act as a key worker for a group of residents.
• To provide the highest standards of holistic care and attention for residents.
• To assist in washing, dressing, toileting and personal hygiene as per care plan.
• To assist in maintaining safe levels of care and ensuring safe practise.
• To assist in maintaining accurate records in accordance with the registration and legal requirements.
• To carry out instructions by senior staff in an efficient and conscientious manner.
• To be prepared to carry out any aspects or care on non-caring duties requested by nurse in charge.
• To help provide essential physical and mental stimulation by participating in recreational and social activities with residents individually or in a group.
The duties and responsibilities required by the employer isn’t the only duties and responsibilities if working in social care. The regulator in the UK will require that we follow the code of practice that lays out the duties and expectations for everyone who works in the sector.
Having codes of practice is important as we work with vulnerable people. They have a right to expect a certain standard of work and a certain standard of work, moral and ethical behaviour.
1.2: Standards that influence the way your role is carried out.
• The job will come with a job description, this tells us what we need to do, but it doesn’t tell us how to do the job. Looking at the standards of the job will.
• Each UK country has National Minimum Standards that apply to all organisations that deliver social care.
• National Occupational Standards explain what we need to be to do, and what we need to know in order to work effectively in social care.
• Below is a few examples from the Care Quality Commission, which inspects provision in England for all nursing homes, residential care home and domiciliary services. Their work is carried out under the Health and Social Act 2008.
Care and welfare of people who use services: people experience effective, safe and appropriate care, treatment and support that meet their needs and protect their rights. As a carer it is important that I know my residents needs to be able to care for them. I will find their needs by looking in their care plans and my story booklets.
Safety, availability and suitability of equipment: where equipment is used, it is safe, available, comfortable and suitable for people’s needs. As a carer is it my duty to make sure that the equipment is safe as I am the one who is using it. If I think that the