1.1 Employers' roles and responsibilities The role of the employer in the prevention and control of infection is bases on legal,organisational personal and moral responsibilities.
Employers have a responsibility to
Ensure policies are in place and are accessible to employers
Assess risks in relation to to the prevention and control of infection
Communicate risks with employees
Provide equipment which is safe and appropriately maintained
Ensure safety procedures are followed
Ensure employees have adequate information ,training and supervision
Provide and maintain any necessary personal protective equipment PPE
Keep records relating to infection control and staff training
Ensure a safe working environment
Report suspected outbreaks of infection to the health protection unit (HPU)
Carry out infection control audits
1.2Employees' roles and responsibilities Employees have responsibilities to themselves,their colleagues,their employer,service users and visitors.
All employees must take responsibility for the prevention and control of infection within their workplace. Responsibilities include
Working in a manner that protects everyone within the workplace from harm and danger
Reporting unsafe practices
Understanding and following our organisations infection prevention and control policies
Cooperating with our employer in preventing and controlling infection
Following infection control procedures and applying standard precautions to all situations all of the time
2.1 Employers' roles and responsibilities The role of the employer in the prevention and control of infection is bases on legal,organisational personal and moral responsibilities.
Employers have a responsibility to
Ensure policies are in place and are accessible to employers
Assess risks in relation to to the prevention and control of infection
Communicate risks with employees
Provide equipment which is safe and appropriately maintained
Ensure safety procedures are followed
Ensure employees have adequate information ,training and supervision
Provide and maintain any necessary personal protective equipment PPE
Keep records relating to infection control and staff training
Ensure a safe working environment
Report suspected outbreaks of infection to the health protection unit (HPU)
Carry out infection control audits
Employees' roles and responsibilities Employees have responsibilities to themselves,their colleagues,their employer,service users and visitors.
All employees must take responsibility for the prevention and control of infection within their workplace. Responsibilities include
Working in a manner that protects everyone within the workplace from harm and danger
Reporting unsafe practices
Understanding and following our organisations infection prevention and control policies
Cooperating with our employer in preventing and controlling infection
Following infection control procedures and applying standard precautions to all situations all of the time
2.3 Employers' roles and responsibilities The role of the employer in the prevention and control of infection is bases on legal,organisational personal and moral responsibilities.
Employers have a responsibility to
Ensure policies are in place and are accessible to employers
Assess risks in relation to to the prevention and control of infection
Communicate risks with employees
Provide equipment which is safe and appropriately maintained
Ensure safety procedures are followed
Ensure employees have adequate information ,training and supervision
Provide and maintain any necessary personal protective equipment PPE
Keep records relating to infection control and staff training
Ensure a safe working environment
Report suspected outbreaks of infection to the health protection unit (HPU)
Carry out infection control audits
Employees' roles and responsibilities Employees have