Submitted By bellaboss1983
Words: 2211
Pages: 9

FINAL WORK-optional questions
Legislation and policies designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities;
-National Health Service and Community Care Act 1980,
-Disability discrimination Act 2005.
-Equality act 2010.
-Disability equality duty 2006.
-The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Organisational policies and procedures; Valuing People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century (Department of Health 2001a)
1.2 -Human Rights. The Human Rights Act 1998
This act has many rights; amongst them are the right not to be discriminated against.
-The Mental Capacity Act 2005
This act states that everyone should be treated as able to make their own decisions until it is shown that they are not able to.
-Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) aims to protect disabled people from discrimination. This Act was extended in 2005 and now gives extra rights in areas of employment; education; access to goods, facilities and services; buying or renting land or property.

-Inclusion Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005
This act allows disabled people to access the same services.
-Valuing people: a new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century - a White Paper
The proposals in this paper are intended to result in improvements in education, social services, health, employment, housing and support for people with learning disabilities and their families and carers.

-Equal life chances Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005
Disabled people now have rights with regards to employment, attending mainstream schools

-The Equality Act 2010
This requires equal treatment in access to employment as well as private and public service regardless of disability. This means that in the case of disability, employers and service providers are under a duty to make reasonable adjustments to their workplaces to overcome barriers experienced by disabled people
-Citizenship The Human Rights Act – the right to participate in free elections
1.2.All such legislation and policies are designed to ensure care workers put the person/s they are supporting at the centre of care planning and support and this has obvious benefits for the individual with a learning disability because it means they can live their lives to their full potential ,it can reassure their families that everything is being done to allow their loved one to live their lives fully, in the least restricted way. I normally take individuals out for shopping and to amusement places and this involves giving them the right to make their own choice by making sure I give them all the information about a new experience they may want to try. 2.1. Learning disability is ‘a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. Somebody with a learning disability is said also to have 'significant impairment of intellectual functions’ and 'significant impairment of adaptive/social functioning' …not acquired as a result of accident or following the onset of adult illness’; mild, moderate, severe, profound.
2.2. A learning disability happens when a person's brain development is affected, either before they are born, during their birth or in early childhood.
Several factors can affect brain development, including:
-the mother becoming ill in pregnancy
Before birth - damage to the baby’s brain and the spinal cord can cause a learning disability. If a pregnant woman is ill or has an accident, particularly a road traffic accident, her baby may be born with learning disabilities. Some babies are born with learning disabilities if they have a genetic problem, such as Down’s syndrome.
During birth - a child can be born with a learning disability if they don’t get enough oxygen during birth.
Soon after birth - a child can develop a learning disability if they have had a serious illness, such as meningitis, or brain injuries. These cause problems with the way the