2. According to the BMI chart in Chapter 8 what category does Todd's BMI fall in?
3. Which food item was the highest source of Protein per serving?
1 Cup of Soymilk
4. Which food had the highest source of Carbohydrates?
Whole-wheat Pita
5. Which food provided the best source of fiber? 8 oz. Vegan Chili
6. What advantage is it to have a diet high in soluble fiber?
It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar
7. What are the advantages to having a higher amount of vegetables in Todd's diet?
All of these
8. What food did Todd eat that was the best source of Potassium?
1/4 Cup Raisins
9. 60g
23. Example based on 3200 calories per day diet 3200 kcal x 0.60 = 1920 kcal from carbohydrates 1920 kcal ÷ 4 kcal/g = 480 kcal from carbohydrates
Based on a 2400 kcal diet what would the personal "Daily Values" for carbohydrates be in grams?
24. Example based on 3200 calories per day diet 3200 kcal ÷ 1000 = 3.2 kcal from fiber 3.2 kcal x 11.5 g = 36.8 grams of fiber
Based on a 2200 kcal diet what would be the personal "Daily Value" for fiber be in grams?
25. Example based on 3200 calories per day diet 3200 kcal x 0.10 = 320 kcal from protein 320 kcal ÷ 4 kcal/g = 80 kcal from protein
Based on a 2600 kcal diet what would be the personal "Daily Values" for protein be in grams?
Quiz 1
1. Which of the following is an example of a macronutrient? Protein
2. What is the kcalorie value of a meal supplying 110 g of carbohydrates, 25 g of protein, 20 g of fat, and 5 g of alcohol?
3. A health magazine contacted you for your expert opinion on what measure best describes the amounts of nutrients that should be consumed by the population. Your reply should be:
The Recommended Dietary Allowances because they represent the average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of
Macronutrients: Nutrients that are required by your body in daily amounts greater than a few grams such as carbohydrate, fat and protein. Carbohydrates: consumed in your diet are made of the chemical elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The main role of carbohydrates is energy production. They form your body’s most readily available source of energy and can be accessed rapidly. One gram of carbohydrate, whether this is derived from sugar or starch, will provide you with approximately 4 kilocalories…
FCS 250 International Foods & Nutrition Terms Chapter 7, Eastern Europe Countries in Eastern Europe Tatars- Mongol invaders who originally gathered military might under Genghis Khan and who conquered Russia under his grandson’s leadership. Roma-Nomadic group originating from India that has spread into most parts of Europe and is especially numerous in Romania. Bliny- Russian pancake, looks like crepe, eaten with fish Cyrillic alphabet- writing system developed in the 9th–10th century ce for…
degrees of poverty in later life. This is the result of several key factors. The first problem associated with poverty is poor nutrition. It has been proven that poor nutrition leads to lower intelligence, poor physical development, and diminished immunity to disease. “Children deprived of proper nutrition during the brain’s most formative years score much lower on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and general knowledge. The more severe the poverty a child faces, the lower his…
Sara Vitito Module 7 Nutrition Care Process Step #1: Nutrition Assessment A nutrition assessment is systematically obtained information necessary to detect or reassess whether a nutrition problem of diagnosis exists. If so, the problem is diagnosed using a PES statement. Step #2: Nutrition Diagnosis Before nutrition intervention can take place, the nutrition problems must be identified. This is accomplished with the nutrition diagnosis. When the nutrition problem has been identified, it is…
NURP 113 THERAPEUTIC NUTRITION SPECIAL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS CASE STUDIES Assignment: Review each case study assigned. Perform research as needed to answer the questions accompanying each case study. Answers must be typed. Neatness counts! Each individual case study is worth 40 points. Turn in on the due date assigned. Use complete sentences. Each Case Study should be a MINIMUM of one type-written page. HAND-IN AS AN ATTACHMENT TO AN E-MAIL TO PHOLLOWAY@CSI.EDU.…
Exam T A B L E 1 9 - 1 (DeBruyne 503) DeBruyne, Linda K., Kathryn Pinna, Eleanor Whitney. Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2011-06-20. VitalBook file. Exam Malabsorption can therefore be caused by pancreatic dis- orders that result in enzyme or bicarbonate deficiencies, conditions that lead to bile deficiency, and inflammatory conditions or medical treatments that damage intes- tinal tissue. In some cases, the treatment of an intestinal disorder requires surgical removal…
continuity and the right action is taken. For example: dietician referrals. The importance of nutrition in older adult: As an older person continue to age, nutritional habits become important and vital to their overall health. Ageing is frequently associated with decrease in taste and smell, poor dental health and decrease in physical activities which all affect nutrient intake. Nutrition as Benchmark: The essence of care (2010) Benchmark for food and drink states that practitioners should…
Policy Questions: Example of Policy Questions: -how much would one additional year of schooling(x) enable young adults to increase earnings (y)? -What would the impact be of reducing class size(x) be on students learning outcomes(y) (measured by test scores) In recent years there has been a big movement to use natural and controlled experiments to (evidence-based evaluations) Cross-sectional evidence: compare across countries, across regions, across individuals Time-series/longitudal evidence:…
REVIEW TEST 3 - 1442 plant taxonomy major groups of plants - major divisions of plants - major groups of angiosperms plant anatomy anatomical differences between monocots and dicots major organs, organ systems tissue types xylem and phloem cell types stem anatomy terminal and axillary buds root tips leaves - mesophyll growth in plants meristems primary and secondary vascular transport levels of transport transpiration photosynthesis - transpiration compromise how xylem…
company’s medical personnel to coordinate and schedule times for each overweight soldier to talk with a licensed nutritionist or dietician in order for him or her to develop a plan to eat healthier. Second, SSG Upton can set aside time to research nutrition and healthy diets. Then, he can counsel each overweight soldier on the fundamentals of eating a healthy diet. Proposed Solution After weighing the key problems and their possible solutions, SSG Upton should develop his overweight program by following…