Nt2580 Final Project Richman Investments | Richman Internet Infrastructure Security Management Upgrade | ITT Technical Institute NT2580 Course Project |
Based on the premises that Richman has 5000 employees throughout the main office and several branch offices, this document dictates research solutions and details the appropriate access controls including policies, standards, and procedures that define who users are, what they can do, which resources they can access, and which operations they can perform on a system. | Final Project I. Richman Internet Infrastructure Security Management Upgrade A. Purpose Based on the premises that Richman has 5000 employees throughout the main office and several branch offices, this document dictates In addition, a Windows user or group can be associated with more than one role. By redefining roles and access rights, Richman can put the squeeze on security loop holes and give their employees and clean internet access and 99.999% continuity. III. Access Control (Which resources they can access.) Access Control helps employers control activities that lower productivity. - Monitor Computer use. You can restrict activities that lead to the computer being unfairly monopolized. - It can even minimize the likely hood of getting infected by preventing access to potentially dangerous websites. Richman can protect itself by training our employees in internet user monitoring and filtering policy. In conjunction, we will start using Pearl Echo. Suite web filtering and internet control software to enforce the policy. A. Employee Internet Use Monitoring and Filtering Policy 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define standards for systems that monitor and limit web use from any host within Richman Investments' network. We need to ensure employees use the Internet in a safe and responsible manner. Employees will be monitored to obtain details with incidents. 2.0 Scope This policy applies to all Richman Investments' employees, contractors, vendors and agents with a Richman Investments owned or personally-owned computer or workstation connected to the Richman Investments' network. This policy applies to all