Deviation From Social Norms

Submitted By abblingt0n
Words: 2906
Pages: 12

* Deviation from social norms * Behaviour that is undesirable and deviates from that expected by the majority of society could be called abnormal * For example, people who neglect their personal appearance, people who do not observe the expected code of dress and people who behave aggressively towards total strangers without any reason * Limitations * Desirable behavior changes with time and culture * Desirable behavior depends on the situation * Deviant (criminal) behavior is not always an indication of psychological abnormality * * Failure to function adequately * People who are unable to function in society could be called abnormal * As an adult you are expected to have good personal hygiene, a home, close relationships and an income * Failure to have these things could be regarded as abnormal * Limitations * Can function adequately in society but still be abnormal eg. anti social personality * An individual may not experience personal distress but may cause observer discomfort * Dysfunction varies between different cultures * * Deviation of ideal mental health * Focuses on the positive aspects of mental health * Jahoda stated 6 ways to achieve ideal mental health 1. Achieving your potential 2. Adapt to change 3. Coping with stress 4. Making own decisions 5. Realistic 6. Self-respect * Deviations from these indicates that the indiviual is abnormal * Limitations * Very few people achieve ideal mental health in all six aspects * Can only measure ideal mental health subjectively * Mental health varies between cultures

* Assumptions * Abnormal behavior has a physical cause * It is treated by the medical profession like a physical illness * * Causes * Brain damage * Phineas Gage was an American rail­road construction foreman who survived an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe and this caused his personality and behvaiour to change, he became reportedly unreliable, partial to swearing and often making inappropriate remarks. * Infection * Clive Wearing lost his memory due to encephalitis, which is from herpes-simplex (the cold sore virus). The virus lies dormant in most of the population, however with Clive the virus went to his brain rather than his mouth, causing the brain to swell and crush against the bone, causing him to lose all memory. * Neurotransmitters * Dopamine hypothesis says that schizophrenia may cause an increase in dopamine, although it could also be too many D2 receptors that cause schizophrenia * Genetics * Holland et al * They completed a study on Mz and Dz twins * It was found that if your Mz twin had anorexia there was a 56% chance of you having anorexia too, however if your dz twin had anorexia there was only a 5% chance. * This shows that there may be a link between genetics and anorexia, however if there was a definite link then the concordance rate for Mz twins with anorexia would be 100% * * Evaluation * + Scientific: It is based on evidence from controlled experiments using objective measurements * + Effective Drug Treatments: Drugs have been successful in dealing with the symptoms of abnormal behavior * - Diagnosis Leads to Labeling: People can behave in accordance with the label they have been given. The label of mentally ill can stigmatize them because people have negative impressions of mental illness * - Treats Symptoms Not The Causes: Doesn’t identify and deal with the causes of abnormality so the problem can continue * - Used as a Form Of Social Control: By diagnosing people as mentally ill they can be hospitalized and removed from society. Their behavior is controlled and they have no freedom of choice * - Ignores the Social Influences on Behaviour: Abnormal behavior can