(A) Anthem is set in a society where the political structure resembles an oiligarchy since a organization is under control of the public and also resembles socialism. The technology in Anthem has diminished since they used to have cars but now have wagons pulled by horses. In the society they are not meant to talk to each other and their life expectancy is much lower (around 40 years). Finally they don’t really get a good education and are told that free thinking and individualism are bad values.
(B) No, because there isn’t any free will and you are stuck with the job you get for your entire life.
Life expectancy might be so low because you are doing labor every day for your entire life and their technology is low so that might be the same for their medicine.
Since he is tall he is already different and then he is looked upon as so and then he believes he is cursed because he has a need to learn when no one else does.
I think they assigned him the job of street sweeper because they knew he was different so they gave him a job where he couldn’t learn and had a lot of manual labor.
Anthem is set in the future because it is said in the book that in the past (which they were instructed not to think about) they used to have wagons that were not pulled by horses which are cars.
(A) My teachers would react if I had Equality’s curse by either being happy that I would want to learn so much or they might be annoyed that I would ask so many questions to learn. (B) Equality’s teachers disapprove of his quick mind because they don’t want him thinking for himself and being more of an individual instead of part of a group.
At this point, Equality doesn’t really accept all the teachings of his society. He might not feel shame for committing crimes because of this and feels like it is to help him learn and think more as an individual. proof of this is in the book he says he stole things like candles and manuscripts and calls himself a wretch and a traitor but he doesn’t really care probably because he is learning and discovering things not known in the manuscripts.
I would want to be friends with Equality because if he was raised in our society he would most likely be really smart and not be influenced by others and think for himself. Chapter 2 1.
The character traits revealed are that they are different and individualistic.
This society tries to obliterate each individual’s mind by eliminating the word “I” and making it a sin to want anything.
Equality has an urge to live for himself while everyone else lives only for their brothers.
He is also taller and has an urge to learn.
Fear is the most prevalent emotion because it keeps everyone in line.
The Great Truth is the belief that humans are not individuals but fragments of a whole, the Unmentionable Times are our present, The Uncharted Forest is a forest that the people of the society refuse to go into, The Great Rebirth is when every person began to live for their brothers and not for themselves.
(A) The word Equality is struggling to recapture is the word “I”.
(B) Speaking the word “I” is punishable by death because they believe rediscovery of the word will lead to people living for themselves and not for their brothers. Chapter 3 1.
(A) Equality discovers electricity in this chapter.
(B) This discovery is incredibly important. It could provide entertainment, light, help with labor, help with other discoveries, make their society less bland.
The Council of Scholars’ belief is if it isn’t known to man, then it doesn’t exist.
Equality’s discovery of electricity proves this belief to be false since no one knew about it. 1.
Chapter 4 Equality’s new name “Unconquered” fits because it means he has no ruler or master and that he is his own man. Equality shows this by doing what he wants to and not listening to what others want him to.